Training Design Proposal – How to Use Effective Feedback Skills

BUS 680 – Training Design Proposal

Imagine that you are tasked with the development and delivery of a two-day training workshop for 100 managers on how to use effective feedback skills when delivering one-on-one performance reviews to employees.

In an 800 to 1,000 word paper (excluding the title and reference page), construct a proposal that identifies three specific learning objectives, a discussion of the content the training would entail, methods to be used (e.g. lecture, case study, role play), and the instructional media and equipment required and explains why. Specify the logistical arrangements, such as type of room setup, that can enhance or undermine the content and interaction between participants. Assess the impact that room set up has upon communication within the group.

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Take into consideration:

  • Length of workshop (2 days)
  • Number of trainees (100)
  • Learning objective (developing effective feedback skills)

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Training Design Proposal on How to Use Effective Feedback Skills when Delivering one-on-one Performance Reviews to Employees


Feedback is very essential in evaluating the employees’ performance in any organization. In this regard, every organization should be in a position of establishing an effective feedback program, which will enable it to have accurate and timely feedback regarding its employees’ performance (Dunn, 2015). This will assist an organization in enhancing its performance by developing training on aspects that lowers employees’ performance, dismiss employees that are not beneficial to the organization, and promote employees who demonstrate great ability. To enhance effective feedback performance, the organization managers need to have the required skills to design and implement an effective feedback program. These skills can highly be enhanced through training. This paper proposes the best training design for 100 managers focusing on developing effective feedback skills. The training is anticipated to take place for a period of 2 days.

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Learning Objectives

The main objective for the proposed training include:

  • To ensure that the managers acquire the required skills to select and implement the best feedback program in their organization.
  • To ensure that managers acquire the skill required to utilize the feedback provided to define the employee’s performance
  • To ensure that managers have the right skills needed to train other stakeholder on how to utilize the selected or different feedback process to provide their feedback regarding a certain employee.

Training Content

Every organization focuses on establishing the best strategies to enhance performance in the organization. Feedback is one strategy that an organization can employ to enhance performance. The training session will focus on defining what feedback is and its significance to the organization. The training will also focus on establishing the best feedback method in an organization based on different circumstances. These circumstances include the actual organization roles and operations, the involved stakeholders and the skills needed to enhance effective feedback process in an organization. Therefore, the training process will include the evaluation of different types of feedbacks techniques that can be used in an organization, their implementation, their evaluation, their advantages and disadvantages. The utilization of different feedback process will be done practically (Russell, 1998).

Methods to be used in the Training

The training will take place in form of workshop where managers will be involved in different presentations, lectures, and practical work in training. The lectures and presentations will involve the use of PowerPoint presentations and computer projections. They trainers will employ different illustrations which will include diagrams, charts, and graphs. The practical sessions will use simulation where the necessary feedback techniques will be employed. The simulation process demonstrates how to implement different feedback techniques, how to use them in an organization, mistakes that can be made and how they can impact the outcome and how each method can be used to enhance the outcome (Rajput, 2011).

Training Setup

The training process will be divided into a number of section. All lecture and presentation classes will be done in one hall where all 100 managers will be included. The hall should be arranged in escalating format (like theatre) halls to ensure that every member can have a clear view of the platform. The trainer lecturing must use a microphone to ensure that he or she is clear to all members. The room should be fitted with speakers to enhance audibility of the trainer on the platform. Trainers can use PowerPoint presentations and projectors to illustrate using diagrams, charts and any other possible form of illustrations. The projection should be clear and high enough for everyone to see clearly.

Practical Demonstrations

The participating managers will be divided into groups during practical demonstration sessions. Each group will have a maximum of 25 individuals and thus, there will be a maximum of 4 groups. Each group will take different session at the same time with different trainers in practical demonstrations. Each trainer will be demonstrating something different from the other three. Therefore, the group will work in a rotation such that, each group will move to another trainer once their session has been completed with the other trainer. This process will take place in a smaller room with a big table at the bottom and chairs surrounding it and a demonstration space where the feedback system will be situated.

Time Scheduling

The workshop is scheduled to take a total of 2 days. The workshop will take place during the day from 8am to 5pm. The first day will focus on lectures or talks and presentations. Each talk will 1 hour after which there will be question session of 30 minutes before the managers go for 15 minutes short break. The lunch break will be for 1 hour and a tea break for 30 minutes. The team will have two tea breaks one at around 11am and another one at the end of the session at around 4.30 pm. In this regard, the group will have 4 sessions of lectures and presentations in the first day. Each session will start with the introduction of the presenter, introduction of the topic and its main objectives. In the second day, the managers will take part into 80 minutes of four practical sessions in a group rotation. The group will then have the final session as one group in the conference room. The final session will focus on crowning the workshop session with a talk from the event organizers. The talk will include a recap of the entire workshop session with intention of stressing on the most important aspects of the training. This will be followed by a general question session and concluding remarks. The session will be anticipated to take a total of 100 minutes.

Impact of the Room Set-up and Time Scheduling on Interaction

The setup is highly focused at enhancing effective interaction between the trainers and the trainees. The trainees will have a great view of the platform while the trainer can easily access the trainees during the session. The question session will allow effective interaction among trainees and the trainers. It enhance sharing of knowledge and clarification of various aspects that will need that clarification. The group division will enhance effective participation of every trainee in different applications. It will ease the process of identifying and assisting those who failed to grasp the concept in the initial training process. The time scheduling allows time for casual interaction which can happen during tea and lunch breaks. This interaction easy the discussion process and development of different ideas related with the training process. It also eliminates possible tension among trainers and between the trainers and the trainees.

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