

Comparison of Psychosexual and Psychosocial Theories of Development

Human Developmental Theories Developmental theories are crucial in psychology as they provide a set of guiding concepts and principles that describe and explain human lifespan development. Numerous lifespan development theories exist whereby some focus on the development of a particular quality while others focus on the growth that occurs throughout a person’s lifespan. Notably, each […]


Corporate Social Responsibility at Dell Technologies

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to a situation where corporate acts in a manner that promotes society and its population and be held liable for any of its activities that impact people, their environment, and their communities. The Corporate social responsibility concept is founded on the responsibility root that implies “pledging


The Five Project Management Life Cycles Defined By Schmidt

The project management life cycle refers to the steps required to successfully manage a project from beginning to completion. Schmidt defines five project management life cycles: (1) predictive, (2) iterative, (3) incremental, (4) agile, and (5) hybrid. Read also Project Management Maturity Model, its Role in Increasing Productivity, Importance of Organizational Strategy, Project Communication and


Impact of Globalization on Women in India

Globalization and Women Globalization is an uneven process; it creates pockets of wealth and sites of violence in various parts of the globe. In the past two decades, globalization has significantly impacted women in developing nations. Forces unleashed by globalization have lifted some of the obstacles to gender equality leading to developing nations experiencing an enormous


Should Development Projects That Force Displacement of local communities be Built?

Reflection Paper – Should development projects such as highways, dams, oil mining and other infra-structural projects that force displacement of local communities be built? Regardless of their goal and whether undertaken by governments or private corporations, enormous-scale development or infrastructure projects often necessitate large swaths of land. As with physical displacement, the desire for land


Black American Discrimination in U.S. Criminal Justice System

Racial disparities across the United States cities have been documented in the entire criminal justice system, from long-term imprisonment to routine police stops. Blacks are more likely to be stopped, searched, and handcuffed on American streets or roads compared to whites or any other race in the country. Analysis of pedestrian and traffic stops in


Memo on How To be a Good Negotiator

Developing Soft Skills for Internal and External Negotiation Sessions Negotiation is a skill that is highly important in any business environment. Individual negotiation skills play an important role in determining the general outcome of any business deal with external or internal stakeholders. It is therefore important for any new director in the organization to have


Acne – Clinical Conditions of the Skin

What factors can cause acne? Acne is a common skin condition known to originate from hair follicles filled with dead skin cells and oil. This results in a degree of blockage in the hair follicles which then causes pimple development within a wide array of age groups. Although acne can be treated with some degree

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