

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study Research Disasters Analysis

Background of Tuskegee Syphilis Study The Tuskegee Syphilis study was a biomedical research that turned out disastrous. The study commenced in 1932 and ended in 1972. Notably, in the late 1920s to early 1930s, approximately 35% of the impoverished African-American living in the Southern US were infected with syphilis. During this time, the disease was […]


Use People Analytics Technology in Hospitals to Improve their Workforce

Most hospitals still lag when it comes to employee satisfaction. Notably, rather than sticking with the conventional human resource management approaches that hospitals insist on using, they should leverage innovative models used outside the health care sector. One such innovative approach for improving the workforce is People Analytics. Organizations operating in the technology industry use


Hubris Syndrome in the Context of Politics

Understanding Political Leaders Through Personality Profiling – Hubris Syndrome Some leaders end up being highly intoxicated with power to an extent that it impairs their mental judgment and faculties. This situation was initially defined as hubris syndrome, which is characterized by what most people regard as “being drunk by power”. Hubris syndromes involve the behaviors


Advise to Jim and Laura – Did Jim and Laura Buy a Car?

The Elements of a Legal Contract That Applies to Jim and Laura Scenario A contract refers to a voluntary agreement between two or more individuals that is enforceable by law. It is a legally binding arrangement that obliges the involved individuals to complete specific tasks. It is a promise made between the involved parties that


Artificial Intelligence Positive Effect on Food Security

Besides Biotechnology, identify one technology that seems to have the greatest potential positive effect on food security. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an alternative form of technology, other than biotechnology, that can be used to promote food security in the world. According to Kunze (2), Artificial intelligence can modernize agriculture and working conditions to safeguard vulnerable populations and


Wrongful Convictions and How they Affect the criminal Justice System

Introduction The effectiveness of the criminal justice system is dependent on its accuracy; that is, its ability to convict those who are guilty and vindicate the innocent. However, despite numerous reforms, the criminal justice system still faces the challenge of wrongful convictions. The growing prevalence of wrongful convictions is negatively impacting citizens’ trust in the


How Evaluators can ensure Program Evaluation Results are Disseminated Properly

Discuss how evaluators can ensure that program evaluation results are properly disseminated. To whom should results be made readily available? Why is proper dissemination critical? After completing the evaluation phase, program evaluators have to disseminate the evaluation findings to various stakeholders. Program evaluators can ensure that the program evaluation results are properly disseminated by formulating


The World’s Hungry, Food Insecurity and Use of Biotechnologies

Hunger and Food Insecurity Food is essential to humans as it provides the energy required to carry out various life functions. Lack of sufficient food results in malnutrition, stunted growth, poor health, and mortality. Despite the importance of food, there are still people across the globe who face hunger and countries experiencing food insecurity. Read


The Origin and Fallout of French, American, and Haitian Revolutions

Introduction One of the most significant revolutionary waves in the world’s history is the Atlantic Revolutions, 1750-1830. The three major Atlantic Revolutions include the American, France, and Haitian Revolutions. The revolutions were characterized by the rejection of the authority of the traditional ruling class or the aristocracy. Notably, whereas the three revolutions had positive outcomes,

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