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Respect for the Rule of Law – GOVT 376

Introduction The rule of law has a long tradition in the United States. According to Ten (2017), even before the US became a nation, there were talks among the colonists regarding the laws becoming the primary governing aspect, not individuals. After the US gained independence, the Constitution became the foundation of law. It created a […]


Key Drivers of Labor Cost within a Hospital

Over the past five decades, a primary concern in the US healthcare industry has been the increasingly growing cost of care. Part of this stems from the cost of sustaining the workforce required to deliver care to patients. Notably, maintaining this cost at manageable levels is instrumental in ensuring continued healthcare improvement in the country.


What is Deviancy?

In a society, people live together undergirded by established social contract. However, sometime society may face behavior that departs from morals and norms that undergird its social contract- the phenomenon is known as deviance. Anderson (2017) defines deviance as behaviors, characteristics, or thought patterns that violate the norm beyond society’s tolerance. It is worth noting


Romantic Era Poets Discussion

William Wordsworth Wordsworth’s memories are integral to the generation of his poetry. He explores the perception of nature with our senses and the eventual remembrance of these sensations to provide the strength to overcome the pain and difficulty associated with everyday life. In Tintern Abbey the speaker reflects upon his encounter with the “…waters, rolling


Cartoon Study – The Final Pacification of Europe

The cartoon illustration I have chosen has its origin in the Napoleonic age specifically in June of 1803. The illustration has been labelled ‘European’ due to the stereotypes depicted in the cartoon which are largely European. Cartoon illustrations get their identity from the origin of the stereotypes and personalities that the illustrator chooses and the


My ideal Frankenstein’s Monster

My ideal Frankenstein’s monster would certainly be one that is able to maintain and regulate autonomic function, receive and process sensory information, generate and control movement, produce and understand speech as well as possess cognitive ability. To achieve these functions, I would theoretically use the cerebral cortex, the basal ganglia, the brainstem, the diencephalon and


Martin Luther King Jr, His Work, Assassination and Achievements

Who was Martin Luther King Junior? Martin Luther King Junior was an African American, Baptist minister and civil rights activist born in January 15, 1929 to Martin Luther King Senior and Alberta Williams King in Atlanta (Marshall, 2002). King initially felt resentment against the whites due to the racial humiliation he and other African Americans
