Coaching Steps Useful in Building a Road Map with a Potential Client – A Living Guide

The creation of a “living guide” is a systematic process that requires a coach to adopt specific steps that will be integral in ensuring that the client is guided appropriately during initial sessions. Firstly, the coach begins by setting the stage for the interaction that will take place between the two parties by ensuring that the subject has a clear understanding of what the process entails. Moreover, the coach has a unique opportunity to describe to the client what it is that they do, which is vital as an icebreaker while also making certain that there are no surprises that the client might be confronted with at a later date. During this first step, a two-person system becomes an integral tool that allows the client to fully acknowledge what to expect from their coach while also developing an alliance (Flaherty, 2015, p. 80).

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Secondly, the coach has to grapple with the manner in which they are going to handle any initial call that has been made by a prospective client. The simple act of making a phone call means that the client has already made up their mind with regard to the individual they have selected as their coach. This may have come about as a result of a referral made by individuals who were pleased with the quality of services that they had received in the recent past. Thirdly, presenting an enrollment conversation has often been thought of as the most vital stage in the coaching process. It is here that the potential client gets an opportunity to project what they seek to get out of the encounter. By so doing, a coach is, therefore, able to decide whether to accept or deny the request made based on the practicality of the expectations presented (Williams & Menendez, 2007). Both parties need to be on the same page to ensure that success results from their liaison since there have been numerous occasions where interactions are devoid of congruence.

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In the first stage, I would make a deliberate effort in ensuring that the client understands that I am a qualified professional seeking to offer the much-needed direction that they require. It is at this stage that the modeling process takes hold. It is tantamount that the client views their coach in high regard, especially considering the fact that they sought to employ their services in bettering their lives. Honesty and authenticity are major determinants of the success or failure of the efforts that a coach would have directed towards aiding a client (Passmore & Kogan Page, 2014).

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A strategy that would prove useful in the second step is allowing the client to articulate their goals and aspirations during the initial call. This allows them to develop a situational awareness of their expectations, allowing an initial review before accepting its practicality. Through this simple process, a client is able to come to terms with the request that they are making before finally settling on what it is that they seek to attain after completing their session. During the third step, conversational skills will be vital in ensuring that a rapport is established with the client in question. This can be done by posing pertinent questions that would require the clients to reveal information central to the whole coaching process. It is also through such interactions that proper guidance is provided to the said individuals, allowing them to morph into an even better version.

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Coaching requires a specific set of skills that go a long way in allowing the instructor to become effective in their execution. This is because they are usually at the frontline of ensuring that their effect changes in their clients that would, later on, enhance their capacity and competence in their specific fields. A successful coach is one who practices active listening. It is during these listening sessions that they are able to gather vital information that would guide them in developing the best strategy for each client. Reflection is also vital since it is an acknowledgment of the fact that one fully understands what the client requires and is ready to guide them on their arduous journey. The clients are better placed to thrive in such conditions as they feel bolstered by their coach’s presence (Team Publications, 2012, p. 67). A successful coach is also one who poses questions regularly to create a proactive conversation with their client. This skill ensures them of a constant flow of vital data, particularly owing to the open-ended questions posed. It is also inherently critical for a coach to provide a response for development. In such a case, a coach needs to be frank with their clients concerning the progress that has been made and any inadequacies that they may be exhibiting. A truthful assertion goes a long way in encouraging a client to make positive changes that would hasten their advancement.

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