Creative Problem Solving, Leadership, and Employee Motivation

Assignment Instructions

You are the director of an organization and you are tasked with training your management team on creative problem solving, leadership, and employee motivation.

Create three bullet-point handouts to distribute during your training session. The handouts must address the following topics:

Note. Each handout must contain at least five main points or topics and must not be more than one page in length. There are no stipulations on how to format the handouts. Be creative with fonts, styles, and formatting. If you include images, keep the images small to limit the size of your document. Cite your images and references according to APA standards. Submit your handouts as one Microsoft® Word attachment.

Creative Problem Solving, Leadership, and Employee Motivation

Approaches To Creative Problem Solving And Ways To Encourage Creative Problem Solving Among Employees

Creative problem solving is important in solving problems and different approaches can be used as a result among the employees and even the management id solving various problems associated with them (Carmeli et al., 2013).

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Brainstorming is an important approach to problem solving as it enables various members in the group to come up with ideas in a divergent manner towards finding solutions to the problems they face. It can be done in particular groups or in crowd sharing platforms.

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Synetics is another problem solving approach which further helps individuals in coming up with solutions to their problems through using various thinking processes that the individual might not know he has. Rational methods are used in arriving at a solution to a problem and the use of teams is required by this problem solving approach.

TRIZ methodology is another approach to solving problems. The approach most focuses on the creation regarding patentable inventions. The method had commonly been used in Russia regarding inventions and their patenting to prevent intellectual rights theft among other rights associated with the inventions.

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Mind mapping is another technique for solving problem that helps brings about creative in problem solving and reframing the problem to be solved. A visual tool helps with generation, synthesis, better analysis and structuring information to come up with better solutions creatively. The mind map in this instance is obvious

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Lateral thinking is another approach in problem solving that helps in coming up with solutions through illogical methods. Therefore, it does not use conventional methods in its problem solving approach. As such, methods used in the problem solving are not conventional and follow an indirect approaching where the thinking is done in a manner that is not common (Petrou et al., 2016).

Ways to Generate Employee Motivation During Times of Organizational Change

Facilitating the learning of employees can help motivate them especially where the company focuses on the development of various areas in the employees life like compassion, integrity and emotional maturity so that the employees feel as part of the organizational change taking place. Training cannot motivate the employees as such without improving on their learning processes.  As such, employees feel as part of the process taking place and thus are highly motivate in ensuring that the process succeeds. Overall productivity is thus increased and the transition in the organization is smooth without any obstructions.

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Aligning the goals of the employees with those of the business helps increase motivation among the employees in the company. Defining goals in terms of creating a unified environment in terms of relationships with employees helps greatly to motivate the workers. Employees who have an understanding of the company’s goals easily help in carrying out the goals of the business (Cummings and Worley, 2014). As such, the business does not only focus on its business interests but also includes the workers interests. This motivates the workers and gives them a sense of belonging to the company and to worker harder towards meeting the objectives of the company.

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Transparency during organizational change helps in ensuring that the doubts workers have towards the changes are extinguished. Setting meeting and explaining various issues involving the change with the workers and answering their questions further removes doubts and motivates the employees and builds their morale. As such more employs may accept the changes and further be confident and highly motivated and even help in the change process by contributing new ideas that may greatly help in the organization’s change process.

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Role Of The Leadership In The Innovative Culture Of An Organization

Leaders are greatly instrumental in driving the culture of a company innovatively. Leaders in this regard concentrate on unconscious messages, norms, values and unnoticeable behaviors of superiors and workers since they help in creating an organization’s culture, which may either enhance or decrease performance of workers (Martín-de Castro et al., 2013). Providing workers with free time at various intervals helps them greatly achieve new processes, products or technologies, which can help, enhance the activities in the organization. Leaders can further recognize employees how have made important contributions to the company while at the same time rewarding them for their efforts. Symbols can further be used by the leaders and may be in the form of acronyms, catchphrases, posters in the corridors, success stories and awards that will further help in boosting employee performance and their innovativeness at the workplace. As such new employees can be greatly impacted by the various symbols in the building, which will help them be more innovative and seek to achieve their best in their endeavors (Büschgens et al., 2013).

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The role of the leadership in creating an innovative culture cannot be overlooked. If the leadership is not involved people, can stick to the status quo and operate averagely. Leaders therefore should set up various behavioral practices in the workplace that aim to challenge the workers in outperforming themselves and to focus on methods that increase productivity and encourage innovation in the organizational culture (Robbins et al., 2013). Leaders in this case should lead by example and further make frequent follow ups, which will, ensures that workers are on their toes to ensure perfection. Therefore, leaders are an important part of the company’s culture sand should ensure that they come up with various points that are thoughtful and that will help in developing an effective organization culture in the company.

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