Employee Training and Career Development Sample Paper

This paper explains the role of training in an organization’s development, lists and explains different employee development methods and their benefits, analyzes the difference between employee development and organizational development and explains role of human resource management in career development.

Role Of Training In An Organization’s Development

Training is critical to an organization’s development in that it helps the organization in improving its business operations by bettering the skills of its workers. As such, it mostly dwells on improving on the performance employees to improve the competitiveness of the organization (Kroth & Christensen, 2009). Development of an organization focusses on preparing employees for future responsibilities and tasks. As such training come into development employees in an organization to be ready for the dynamic marketplace and to ensure that they are well suited to perform various tasks in the organization efficiently. As such, knowledge and information are passed on to employees in the training process.

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Training further helps employees have a sense of belonging to the company as they are given more knowledge on how to improve on their tasks and as such, it creates a supportive environment that helps in boosting performance among the workers. Training further plays an important role in creating a workplace where less supervision is needed since employees are well equipped to perform their jobs and don’t need to be reminded of tasks they are efficient in (Noe, 2013). Fewer mistakes result when workers are trained, and therefore training ensures that the company operates optimally. As workers undergo training and become effective at their tasks, they can be candidates for promotion and thus become vital assets in the company.

Different Employee Development Methods and their Benefits

Employee training is one of the methods that many companies use to retain talents and to prevent turnover. Silva (1997), defines employee training as the process of transferring information and knowledge to employees with the aim of improving their level of competence and to enhance effectiveness and productivity of an organization. Employee training plays a very significant role in an organization’s development. First, employee training enables an organization to enhance the quality of service delivered to customers which helps to increase its competitiveness in the future. Second, employee training improves the level of human relations in an organization and therefore enhances enterprise performance. Third, employee training is an important source of revenue for an organization and therefore provides capital for development (Silva, 1997).

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Organizations may use different methods to develop their employees. Jenkins (2015), describes four employee development methods and they include, mentor development program, core training, leadership training, and personal development plans. Mentor development program is an employee development method where an employee is paired with a senior member of management to assist him or her in achieving professional goals. The senior member of management meets the employee on a regular basis to ensure that he or she meets the set goals. Mentor development program is beneficial to an organization in the sense that, it helps an organization to build a strong team of workers who are in a good relationship with management.

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According to Jenkins (2015), many organizations that want to put new employees on the right foot will use core training as the employee development method. Core training involves teaching a new hire the basics of his or her job as well as what he or she is expected to do in order to help an organization achieve its goals. This employee development method assists an organization to put all its new workers on the right path. Leadership training is an employee development plan that aims at helping all workers who are performing well to improve their leadership skills. When using leadership training as an employee development method, an organization groups its workers into groups depending on their levels of competencies and teaches them the skills they need to become good leaders. This method helps companies to promote from within, which prevents them from incurring extra expenses if they were to hire new workers from outside the organization (Jenkins, 2015).

Some organizations may use personal development plans to develop their employees. As far as the use of personal development plan is concerned, organizations assist their employees to develop goals that focus on their professional life and to formulate a plan on how to achieve them. This employee development method is beneficial to an organization in the sense that, it assists companies to keep their employees on track and to encourage them to work harder. This promotes organizational effectiveness and enhances productivity (Jenkins, 2015).

Difference between Employee Development and Organizational Development

There is a very close relationship between employee development and organizational development. According to Jenkins (2015), effective employee development programs greatly enhance organizational performance. In this regard, employee development builds a team of competent employees who will help an organization to achieve its goals. This explains why it is important for organizations to choose an employee development program that best suits its workers.

Role of Human Resource Management in Career Development

Human resource management plays a very big role in career development. Budhathoki (2004) defines human resource management as an organizational function that is designed to maximize employee performance. Career development is defined as a stage-by-stage process where employees progress by learning different tasks and responsibilities in their professions. Human resource management helps to guide employees through potential career paths that they should pursue while still working in the organization (Budhathoki, 2004). Additionally, human resource management helps employees to integrate important activities that they need to manage their individual careers.

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Personally, my level of career development is on its average and I need a comprehensive employee training in order to increase my competency. The manner in which I manage my career development in future will depend on how I am handled by my human resource manager. My current or future company should try its best to help me develop my career. The best employee development methods that are best applicable to me include the use of personal development plans and mentor development programs. This way, I will learn how to focus on my professional goals as well as how to achieve them with the assistance of a senior member of management. Later on, the company can use leadership training method to help me develop my career depending on my level of competency and experience on the job. If these methods are effectively used, I think I will have greatly developed my career over the next five years. My company’s career development opportunities will be sufficient for my needs because they involve integration of new technology into practice.

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