Human Resource Management Professional Competencies

Assignment Instructions

Human resource management is becoming increasingly more strategic and complex. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has identified competencies that are necessary for human resource professionals.

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Considering the video and the readings from this week, write a 3-5 page paper (excluding title and reference pages) that analyzes and discusses the competencies that you believe an HRM professional should possess. Be sure to address the following questions in your paper:

  • Do you agree with Steven Miranda in his assessment that an HRM professional today must supplement his or her technical HRM skills in order to succeed?
  • How do the competencies that you’ve selected fit into strategic management of the HRM process?
  • Which competencies are important to strategically manage legal compliance issues?
  • Support your discussion points with citations from at least three scholarly sources.

Human Resource Competencies – Sample Paper


The responsibilities and role of human resource professional have dramatically changed in the last decade. HR professionals have for years experienced closed door position, where they were frequently seen as second team players attempting to gain access to main forums of decision making. However, several HR professionals have in the recent years successfully turned to business partners. They contain novel chances for professional development and contain higher chances to be active builders of the competitive advantage of their companies. The new HR professional role presents them with the need to advance their competencies and to adapt new skills that will make them to be more viable in their new roles (Han et al., 2006). This paper focuses on identifying competencies which are currently necessary for HR professionals.

Analysis and Discussion of Competencies the HRM Professional should have

Competency is described as personal demonstrated abilities, skills and knowledge. According to Ulrich et al. (1995) HR professionals show competency when they add value to their enterprises. This is done by guaranteeing that they deliver initiatives, programs, and ideas to their enterprises that assists the business to compete. The HR professional value lives in their aptitude to develop competitive advantage which plays a great part in swaying bottom-line metrics positively. To accomplish this, I do agree with Steven Miranda that HRM professional must supplement her or his HRM technical skills to succeed. The HRM professionals might create competencies on various dimensions that include style dimension, functional dimension, role dimension, and business dimension. However, the three main domains where HR professional must add competencies include business knowledge, HR delivery, and change process management.

Read also Human Resource Management Annotated Bibliography

HR professionals add an organization value when they comprehend how the business operates. This is because this knowledge assists them to adapt organizational and HR activities to changing conditions of business. According to Ulrich et al. (1995), knowing the organizational, financial, technological, and strategic capabilities of a company is an essential condition for entry to any kind of strategic discussion. Similar to any other staff operation, HR professional should be experts in their area. They should know and be able to deliver the HR innovative practice to build HR professionals credibility. This can be categorized in six groups which include communication, staffing, organization design, development, rewards, and appraisal. HR professionals that are regarded to be competent in these groups of operation will be perceived as credible implementers and designers of HR system. Moreover, as the change pace increases beyond businesses, HR professionals will have to commensurate their internal adaptive change rate with that of the external setting to be competitive.

Business with higher change capacity will be extra competitive with time. According to Ulrich et al. (1995), personal resistance to change frequently blocks organizations from adapting as fast as needed. Having competences to control change process equip a HR professional in assisting other members of an organization to manage change. This helps in developing general organizational ability for transition as the main competitive advantage source. HR professionals with competencies to control processes of change illustrate an outstanding attributes of change agent. These professionals are able to build relations particularly with clients, implement goals, diagnose problems, solve problems, define leadership agenda, and articulate a vision.

Competencies Fit in Strategic Management

The three selected competencies, HR practice deliver, business knowledge and change management processes are the two compete are all needed to enhance strategic management. Business knowledge assists the HR professionals to understand all business components and their level of performance. This enables the involved individuals to determine the gap between the current and the desired situation. With this information, it becomes easier to identify strategies that can be employed to attain the desired situation. When this is complemented with the change process management and HR practices delivery, the HR professional can manage to define a change process to help attain the desired results, and also use the HR practice delivery to ensure that effective implementation of the change process in the organization. The three competencies can easily assist the HR profession in fining very reliable strategic measures to uplift the position of the company in all its components of operations. Thus having business technical skills is very important in knowing which technicality can be employed to reduce cost, enhance efficiency and ensure great productivity. When this is integrated with great HR practice skills, the company can easily experience great improvement (Yeung et al., 1996).

Competencies Important to Strategically Manage Legal Compliance Issues

The competencies that are essential to strategically manage legal compliance issues in an organization are the management and leadership compliances. A manager needs to understand all laws governing an organization and the best measures to ensure that they are implemented and observed. This competence allows the HR to know which measures should and should not be employed to solve a certain problem or enhance a certain change. The HR professional with this competency understands the laws governing operations in the organization form of business and legal limitations or guidance in carrying normal business operations or on any form of advancement (Han et al., 2006).

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