Introducing Project Management Skills and Tools At Roto Air

Selling Project Management Report

Your new knowledge of project management and experience at Roto Air has earned you a promotion to a senior project manager. Roto Air has recently purchased a smaller company that is the current supplier of electro-mechanical assemblies used in the Quick Drop 100. After your first visit to the new company you find that there is no formal project management system in use and that local management is not aware of the advantages of using project management principles. Your assignment is to educate the new management team and prepare them to welcome and integrate project management skills and tools into their operations. To do so, you will prepare a persuasive, factual report that:

  1. Defines a project and project management and differentiates routine operations.
  2. Explains the benefits to the business of using project management methodology.
  3. Describes the role and importance of a project sponsor.
  4. Examines the benefits of using project teams and methods of developing them and improving communications.
  5. Outlines the project life cycle.
  6. Examines the importance of a project charter and its role in preventing scope creep.
  7. Justifies the need for using a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
  8. Explains the importance of holding a kick off meeting.
  9. Summarizes the benefits and uses of project management software.
  10. Examines the benefits of professional certification and the role of ethics in project management.
  11. Describes the importance of identifying and mitigating risk in projects.
  12. Relates and gives examples of data driven decision making.
  13. Recommends whether a PMO is needed.
  14. Discusses the role of collecting and publicizing lessons learned.
  15. Summarize your recommendations.

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Introducing Project Management Skills and Tools At Roto Air

            Roto Air Inc.’s recent initiative to move some of its operations to Florida for its inaugural Quick Drop 100 product represents one of its most ambitious projects yet. The ultimate success of this transition will profoundly depend on the firm’s ability to utilize the Project Management Office (PMO) as an indispensable component in making decisions on appropriate steps to be taken within the project. Thus, the company will be tasked with managing the new Florida facility; guiding production procedure and quality control practices within this new location.  The eight standards of project planning will be employed in an attempt to amalgamate major activities and provider’s operations into the project. The efficacy of relying on groups in the assessment and management of the project will also be explored when seeking to review the importance of banking on a prearranged timetable to complete major tasks.

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 The lack of a project management design model by senior management will also be put under consideration in order to ensure they are adequately informed and acknowledge the importance of productivity when seeking to improve the company’s competitive edge. It is only through such standards that success can be attained while still making certain that operations are coordinated suitably.  All exercises conducted during this particular project are geared towards ensuring that the Quick Drop 100 line succeeds during its formative stages and eventually improve the company’s standing among main competitors. Goal completion guidelines will also ensure that group members align their aims with organizational objectives by following the work breakdown structure (WBS) while evaluating available resources.  The cost of capital remains the prerogative of senior management as a guarantee for successful completion of the entire project while making certain that major components of the project are coordinated appropriately as a prerequisite for the transition.

Project and Project Management Definition

            Projects represent major undertakings by firms and organizations when seeking to introduce cumulative gains through expansion. They involve high level supervision by senior management as a way of making sure that projected plans are implemented as required and in a structured manner (Institute, 2013, p. 56).  Project management, on the other hand, is a methodical process of evaluating the proficiency of a set of plans while making sure that initial objectives are achieved. This approach involves the application of practical tools to guide practitioners during formative stages to ensure adherence to established plans.

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            In this particular project, Roto Air seeks to absorb activities within this new facility as a way of certifying that initial production plans are attained without facing any emerging challenge. Successful completion of the project will be signaled by attaining all set objectives while synchronizing activities within this new location. Group members will be expected to gain a formal comprehension of all company activities while gaining a firm understanding of their role within the company framework. Understanding one’s limits will also serve as a guide to team members when seeking to gain an all-inclusive understanding of their role within the project. Cooperation will also come in handy during this phase as a way of creating rapport among the wide array of actors participating in the project while ensuring that all activities are in tandem with projected plans. The human resource team will be tasked with reviewing potential glitches while making certain that they are always addressed in time to avert the possibility of a negative outcome. Routine operations will also be taken into account when developing the operational framework as a way of coordinating all activities aimed at successful completion of the project. This will be essential to the project management team in their quest of making certain that profit margins are ultimately improved. They will also actively participate in efforts to reduce high costs associated with the production process by combining major offices while adhering to specific production timelines to guarantee fulfillment of the product within a projected timeframe.

            Major dissimilarities are also present in Roto Air’s approach compared to traditional project management modus operandi.  Instead of relying on routine operations to guarantee success, the company applies on a novel approach which depends on associations between group members. Furthermore, this project avoids overreliance on an accounting purchaser service which now replaced with a creation line as part of its overall operation’s framework. Projects depend on an elaborate operation’s system to enable key participants to make important decisions and choices which will ultimately impact the success especially when seeking to realize outlined goals.  Routines also create a clear system with concise procedures which are communicated openly to group members within the association. It also allows them to apply detailed scheduling procedures where crucial activities are identified and accorded with the required level of attention.

Advantages Project Management Methodology Application

            The application of a project management methodology is appropriate for Roto Air’s project due to a host of benefits bound to be introduced. A project management methodology is particularly useful in assuring key stakeholders of a project’s successful completion within a specified period. The presence of a comprehensive budget is also crucial in guiding operations through a clear financial plan that relies on proper management of available resources to develop the consumer product. The project methodology also outlines customer specifications which allow participants to adopt a client-focused approach developing the product.  It also creates an ideal environment where information is passed efficiently to all participants, which further ensures that objectives are clear to all members.  It creates a framework that is cognizant of a project’s potential which ultimately becomes important when seeking to develop mitigating strategies to avert the possibility of a negative outcome.  Additionally, a project management methodology applies logical principles to guide the plan during the implementation phase while reviewing its applicability. Its structure is scientifically proven, which then makes certain that execution is conducted within the allotted period while depending on empirical data (Pica, 2016).

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The project management methodology also allows senior managers to discharge their duties devoid of any emerging challenge. This is achieved through control over the administration process while applying critical thinking when faced with any emerging hurdle. Furthermore, it also outlines different phases of the project in a bid to ensure that participants remain cognizant of their roles within the current setup. Expectations are also outlined with the primary aim of creating a sense of direction while following laid out procedures. In the case of Roto Air, successful completion of the Quick Drop 100 initiative will be based fitting human resource considerations, acknowledging potential challenges, and ideal production capacity.  

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Role and importance of a Project Sponsor

A project sponsor is one of the most important actors within any major enterprise. Typically, they are a member of the senior management team and can serve as a conduit between team members and upper management. They are known for being responsible for elucidating project objectives while making certain that resources are allocated according to pressing needs. A project sponsor is also tasked with providing an honest review of the project before determining its applicability. This is an important technique when endeavoring to guarantee success. Initial appraisal also allows a project to provide their unadulterated view of a project’s potential benefit to senior managers before execution. A project manager also develops a sense of confidence in the project by making sure that upper management realize its usefulness, therefore offering their support (Thiry, 2015). Correspondence with senior management also keeps them updated on the progress made which ultimately becomes fundamental to a project’s success since timely interventions now become a reality. A project sponsor also serves as a project’s foundation which is also why they actively participate in creating a sense of direction. They produce deliverables and may be tasked with authorizing the use of specific resources to realize expected benefits. They are actively involved in strategic planning and are also known for taking up the spokesperson’s role top relay important information and empower participants. A project sponsor is also responsible for organizing essential project initiatives while being at the frontline of developing a project chart for the Steering Committee to prioritize tasks. Additionally, a project sponsor also negotiates with stakeholders whenever differences in opinion emerge since they have a better scope of the current situation and can provide useful insight to interested parties. They also involve key actors in current undertakings and ultimately appraise its level of success within a specific timeline.

Benefits of using project management teams and development techniques

Organizing members of a workforce in teams is one of the most innovative strategies ever developed in management. It allowed managers to structure staff according to specific expertise and skills which then made it possible for experts to contribute towards ultimate success. Project management teams create a sense of order within such endeavors which allows participants to remain aware of their roles and responsibilities for efficiency. It also allows them to work within a specific framework which relies on pre-established principles which have been tried and tested within a similar context.  Project management teams also allow participants to work within a measurable setup where their performance can be evaluated and compared to promote productivity (McGhee & McAliney, 2015, p. 67). It also allows participants to work within realistic frameworks which are attainable thus avoiding situations where they are constrained by time. Teams also work within a specified timeframe which comes in handy during the planning stage where experienced workers are identified to lead other members. It also provides a unique opportunity for new inexperienced workers where they are mentored and coached with the aim of ultimately improving outcomes. Project teams also reduce redundancy within the overall framework. This is because each member is given a specific task to complete and crucial in identifying employees who may be unable to complete a specific task. By so doing, potential weak points can be identified and appropriate measures taken to prevent adverse effects. Project management teams also foster creativity, allowing members to develop useful ideas which may benefit the project in the long haul. Relationships are also built and developed within project teams. This is particularly crucial since projects require a great deal of coordination by committed individuals working in synchrony with each other. Project management teams can be developed by identifying qualified individuals from each department before approving their level of competence. After selection, team members will be expected to participate in regular discourses to seeking to improve communication.

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Project life cycle

Projects typically rely on a concise blueprint outlining crucial stages with activities central to its objectives. The initiation, planning, execution, control, and closure phases are five main stages within a project life cycle (Kerzner, 2016). Success is only realized when the project progresses through the aforementioned five stages while adhering to top administrative standards. The planning stage is characterized by the presence of a work breakdown structure (WBS).The initiation stage involves the proposition of a workable plan, its purpose, and possible benefits accruing from their use. Discussions regarding its need within the current market are conducted during this stage to ascertain its usefulness within the industry. It is fundamental to always rely on a WBS during planning since it allows all participants to gain a deeper understanding of the project by acknowledging their responsibilities and possible task to be completed.

A WBS also serves as a managerial compass which creates a sense of direction while identifying areas where immediate improvements are required. It also guides senior management on the progress made and contributions made by participants thus far. The execution stage involves actualizing plans and putting them into action by designating specific tasks to participants and team members. Here, executives compare reports from similar projects to identify best practices which may also benefit the task at hand. Team conventions are useful during this stage since it is here that collaborative efforts become evident and its application for a positive outcome. The preserve and control phase identifies practical options and their role in ensuring that members work and participate at optimum level.  The closure stage is the last phase after successful completion which the project comes to a conclusion before a final review of applicable parameters. WBS guidelines provide an abridged framework which can be relied upon by project supervisors when seeking to certify objectives outlined in the Project Kickoff meeting have been realized.

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Importance of a project charter

            Within the context of project management, charters are an invaluable element capable of introducing a myriad of benefits to the initiatives. A project charter is commonly applied with the aim of informing senior management about a project’s particulars to ensure they gain a decent understanding of its purpose. It also allows them to identify specific needs which have to be met, in addition to the requirements presented by the sponsor.  A project charter contains useful information which is reviewed, before allowing team members to use it as a guide since it describes activities and how they should be conducted. Additionally, main stakeholders are outlined and specific roles which they will play from the project’s inception to conclusion. Team members, therefore, end up having an easier time coping with challenges since they would be aware of who exactly to consult for an immediate response. A project charter also communicates the benefits of a particular project and gains which will eventually be realized after successful completion. This serves as an important tool when seeking to motivate project team members to make sure they participate fully. High-level requirements are also stated clearly to make certain that stakeholder needs are met while providing a clear statement of work. A project can only commence after the charter has been approved since it holds crucial data about minor details which will ultimately determine its success. Authorization is also formalized by a project charter which allows an organization such as Roto Air to channel its resources towards its. This reduces instances of cancellation and arbitrary audits due to presence of clear authorization. A project charter also outlines specific expectations held by senior management, sponsors, and stakeholders. Team members, thus, gain a clear understanding of what is expected of them, allowing them to meet high-level deliverables.’

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The need for a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

            A work breakdown structure (WBS) is an integral element within a project. It has often proven useful in aiding project managers during the formative stages of a project during which planning takes precedence and is essential. This process is conducted efficiently due to the presence of a WBS since time-limited tasks are identified and allocated to skill and qualified practitioners.  It also introduces an element of consistency which is crucial during the execution phase of any major project.  A WBS creates measurable tasks by reducing complexity within the overall framework allowing managers to have an easier time when overseeing major activities associated with the project. The independent measurement of tasks also identifies specific limits and major ways in which project team members can surmount any emerging challenge. Costs are then assigned to each task to make sure that allocations are done correctly by considering all factors. The application of a WBS within a project framework also allows a project manager to track progress and, if need be, intervene when challenges emerge. This will ensure that each step is followed to the letter and requirements met within the project’s scope. Furthermore, it is particularly important as a tool which can be harnessed when seeking to ensure that all tasks have been completed appropriately and within the time allotted. Through this approach, tasks are arranged using a hierarchical system which identifies important responsibilities while averting the possibility of engaging in extra work. It is also through a WBS that intended purposes are fulfilled. Functions are carefully considered and reviewed to make certain that they serve a predetermined purpose while promoting major roles. Responsibilities are then assigned to persons with a specific set of skills which is particularly crucial when identifying key deliverables.

Importance of holding a Kickoff meeting

            A project kickoff meeting represents the foremost convention of team members who will participate in a firm’s initiative.  It is also here that project managers set expectations as a way of highlighting the project’s importance and the crucial nature of accompanying activities. An engaging kickoff meeting is important for participants since it allows them to gain a better understanding of the agenda and their role in making sure that it eventually becomes as success. It also allows members to gain a respectable understanding of the goals and risks to make sure that participants take part while being aware of the main objectives and major requirements for success.  Additionally, a project kickoff meeting provides an ideal environment for participants to adopt a shared vision while gaining an understanding of minute details related to the actual project. It creates a sense of involvement with a project management team where members actively participate with the aim of achieve success in the aforementioned undertaking. The project is reviewed in the presence of all members in addition to expected results. Goal-setting creates a sense of direction for the group while outlining what exactly must be done to guarantee success. Stakeholders are also defined with the aim of ensuring that their expectations and concerns are elucidated with the aim of creating clarity amongst members. A project kickoff meeting also explores high-level milestone schedules to create foresight among members and a clear illustration of long-term goals. It also provides a unique opportunity for the alignment of instructional design method and key elements of branding which will come in handy as soon as the project commences. A project kickoff meeting also allows participants to brainstorm and develop practical ideas to aid them in addressing challenges which are bound to emerge. Risks are also identified with the primary aim creating a proactive response to mitigate potential adverse effects.

Benefits and uses of project management software

            Project management software is often used to plan tasks for all involved parties. It is invaluable since it organizes major functions in an accurate and intricate manner to ensure that major plans eventually prove profitable. Project management software is primarily useful in guiding the planning process, time allocation, resource management, and change management. It also creates a competitive edge which sets a firm apart from the rest through the application of technology into its methodology. A real-time evaluation of the budget can also be conducted using project management software for the purpose of evaluation to ascertain the level of progress made since its application. Project management software also provides a platform where files important files can be documented and later bolstered by online collaboration tools (Villafiorita, 2016). Project management software also fosters collaboration on a given project by combining smaller tasks from constituent groups to create outstanding work. It also creates a clear channel of internal and external communication which always keeps major stakeholders updated on the progress that has been made over a specified period of time. It is also essential as a monitoring tool which then allows senior management to review the level of progress made within a given timeframe. Furthermore, the budget management function is simplified which ultimately allows manages to control the project appropriate. Similarly, communication with a project sponsor and suppliers is simplified to create a collaborative environment where relevant project data is collected before gauging direct feedback.  The decision-making process also becomes optimized, thus assuring the management team of accuracy.

Benefits of professional certification and role of ethics

            Professional certification is an important part of project management. This is because allows project managers to participate directly in all undertakings while being capable of handling high performance tasks. Professional certification also increases chances of success since they are now being directed by professionals who are well-versed in the field.  It also equips project managers with necessary skills which enable them to initiate, plan, execute, monitor, and close a project.  Professional certification adds value to a project manager’s career since it is proof that they bare are experts within the field and can be relied upon by stakeholders (Rowe & Rowe, 2015). It also provides industry recognition which is particularly essential when seeking to create links with suppliers. Professional certification also aids project managers to gain important soft and hard skills which will aid them when dealing with project management activities. Similarly, ethics also play a central role in project management. It allows professionals to adhere to high standard, which builds faith and imprints moral behavior in team members. Professional certification supports fair decision making while dramatically reducing risks.

Importance of identifying and mitigating risks

            Risks represent an unavoidable reality which project managers at Roto Air will have to contend with. However, it is possible to identify risks before proceeding to apply strategies to mitigate their effect. It is particularly important to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a project as one of the most useful techniques when seeking to organize a project.  The identification of risks allows a project manager to plan for the possibility of unexpected events in the future which then allows them to develop an appropriate plan to respond through extenuating measures. Mitigating risks allows project managers to essentially plan for success to establishing internal and external controls to address the potential risks associated with a particular project (Britt, 2019, p. 45).

It also creates an imitable opportunity for stakeholders to receive correspondence from senior managers regarding potential risks and required intervention. Project managers, therefore, become proactive and apply necessary steps in a bid to reduce the likelihood that risks will have an adverse effect on

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Data-Driven decision making

            The rise in innovation has created numerous opportunities for project managers to apply a data-driven approach to decision making. It is now possible to collect large amounts of critical data for evaluation in a bid to ensure that decisions are based on assessments made from an in-depth review of empirical data. The application of data in decision making ensures that a feasible framework is always applied with the aim of assuring key players of success within a given framework. This information can also be used to influence key leadership resolutions regarding the course and direction which should be taken when aiming for a successful outcome. Connection coefficients can also be determined, enabling an organization to deal with adverse effects such by referring to an asset report for guidance on how to allocate scarce resources.

Need for a Project Management Office (PMO)

            A PMO serves one of the most fundamental purposes within an organizational framework. It is primarily tasked with coordinating all activities related to the project with the aim of creating a sense of structure. A PMO is ideal for grand projects within large organization where projects are being continually directed. In the case of Roto Air, a PMO will serve as a basic requirement since it is a medium-sized organization requiring an intense assembling procedure.

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Lessons Learned

            The collection and publicizing of lessons learned is crucial, especially in venture administration and during routine projects.  It allows participants to become aware of triumphs made in the course of a project and objectives which remained unrealized. This provides a unique opportunity for team members, stakeholders, and senior managers to reflect on the project with the aim of identifying specific misdoing which can be transformed in the future. It also serves as a blueprint to guide important organizational functions in the future

Recommendation Summary           

Roto Air’s Quick Drop 100 initiative represents a mammoth task requiring the undivided attention of senior members of administration. The firm should first focus on absorbing operations in its Florida plant as one of the precursors for the project’s completion. Roto Air should then update its database to align it with new operations which will now rely on an elaborate bookkeeping framework for major operations. The inclusion of a venture supervisor as part of the project will also play an important role in supporting the project manager in carrying out essential tasks devoid of any emerging challenge. It will also be essential to map out the obligations of all members with the aim of ensuring that participants acknowledge their role within the wider scheme of things and can, therefore, play their respective roles as expected. The task director must also strive to become an important cog within the project by representing the legitimate administration.

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