Leadership Coaching – Benefits Of A Professional Coach To Clients

Leadership Coaching

Based on the chapter three and four reading of Stoltzfus (2005), coaching is the most effective way of transforming the life of people particularly leaders. Couching helps in making radical changes in the life of a client than any other form of training could offer. It also accelerates the rate of change in the client’s life and helps the client to accomplish more than could have been accomplished through other means of training without straining. Coaching involves listening to client’s problems and giving a room for a conversation which include posting of challenging questions. It is therefore more than pastoring where teachings are provided. It is a process of self-discovery where clients get to know more about own abilities, weaknesses, uniqueness, and personal conflicts. In this regard, coaching brings about change more rapidly than all other forms of ministering due to its unique value. It provides the client with a chance to reflect on their situation and identify the source of their problems and thus, develop their own solution without much external influences.

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Couching assists in enriching clients through the assignment duties and responsibilities, which they perform under supervision. Clients are provided a chance to do what the coach could have done; they are delegated with coach duties, and thus it enable them to easily learn what it means to be a leader and the leadership skills they possess. This gives them courage and power to face their own challenges in leadership. It also helps them realize their ability which they never initially thought they possessed. Coaches invest in developing leaders, and thus, the clients get an opportunity of learning effective leadership styles and approaches, by discovering how to set own goals, take responsibilities, make choices, take action and solve problems.

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This is normally done through coaching process where these abilities are nurtured slowly and with time, clients are able to naturally increase their capacity and ability in leadership. Coaches possess good interpersonal skills. This includes good relation with other people and ability to manage a conversation in a manner that the client will feel important. This assists the client to take part in the development of the solution to the reported problems. As the client is encouraged to say more and feel important by getting the coaches attention, the client discover own way of handling the problem and even consider aspects he or she had never considered in the beginning. This gives clients the power over their own problems and realizes that they still have the control of their life. They also believe in their ability to handle own problems (Stoltzfus, 2005).

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Coaching normally involves learning how to solve own problems rather than getting direct solution to the identified problem. This approach helps the client learn on how to solve the current and future life problems using own means other than using the coach advise. It offers them a chance to discover their personal drive approach to life problems and thus, couching assist clients in obtaining a lifetime skill and courage that enable them to survive on their own during life storms. Couches use questions to help clients to reflect on their situation. The constant questioning helps them to realize a solution through reflection. The coaching approach initiates internal motivation to handle or solve problems that one is experiencing in life (Stoltzfus, 20015).

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