Occupational Analysis of a Human Resource Specialist

The Nature of Human Resource Job

Human resource job is an occupation that involves bringing organizations and people together to meet each other’s goals. HR job is universal in nature, since it is found in all business organizations. It centers on outcomes rather than rules. It is a job that centers on assisting workers to develop their ability fully and also encouraging workers to offer the best to their organization. Human resource job focuses more on people at work. This includes groups or individuals. It attempts to put individuals on assigned jobs so as produce desirable outcomes. It assists an organization to attain its future goals by offering well-motivated and competent workers. It attempts to maintain and develop cordial association between individuals working in different levels in an enterprises. Human resource job is a multidisciplinary activity that utilizes inputs and knowledge drawn from economies and psychology among others (Gupta, 2015).

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Human Resource Development Occupation

Human resource development is a branch of human resource management that specializes more on nurturing workers’ skills. Human resource development also centers on employees personal development. Since the expectations and needs of individuals are ever changing and growing, this occupation is there specifically to assist workers to cope with and prepare for such changes as well as the future uncertainties. HRD focuses on promoting employees’ retention in the company by enhancing employee’s personal and career growth in an organization. Thus, Human resource development occupation involve professionals with immaculate people management skills, since they are required to be in a position to realize talents among individual from backgrounds cross section.

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Difference between Human Resource and Human Resource Development Functions

Human resource manager is a professional that involves coordination, direction, and planning of the organization administrative functions. HR managers oversee the hiring, recruiting, and interviewing of new staffs. HR managers are also involved in consulting on strategic planning with top executives. They also serve as a connection between employees and the organization management. HRD on the contrary is a specialty in the human resource professional. It involves specializing on human management skills, career and personal development of employees. HR offers wider services as compared to Human resource development (Differencebetween, 2015).

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Any HR has basic HRD skills, those that specializes in HRD are HR who take more interest on development of skills and ability among workers. HR develops and manages organization’s human elements as a whole on long-term basis. Human resource development on the contrary centers on learning experiences that are organized for a particular time period to create desired changes on behavior. Another major difference between the two is that HR stresses on employees, employees attitudes and their abilities. Human resource managers create an essential organizational resource, which needs to be efficiently and effectively utilized to attain the goals of workers and the organization. On the on contrary, HRD stresses mainly on development and training of workers. However, since HRD is a HRM subset, most of the activities to be carried out by the HRD professional must be approved by the HR personnel or department. Nevertheless, cooperation of Human resource development is very essential for the general success of HR operation. When HR focuses on taking care of individual workers’ needs and trying to satisfy these needs and requirements of workers through all forms of motivation, HRD centers on upgrading the competencies and skills of workers so as to improve employees’ work performance (Gopinath, 2015).

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Human Resource Job Description

Human resource managers have a number of responsibility. They serve as a connection between employees and management by handling questions, administering and interpreting contracts and assisting in resolving work-associated problems. They are also involved in modifying and analyzing benefits and compensation policies to create competitive programs and guarantee legal requirements compliance. Human Resource managers also advise organizational managers on employment policy aspects that include sexual harassment and equal employment chance, and recommend required changes. They also conduct complex staffing duties that include administering discipline procedures, firing workers, refereeing disputes, and understaffing. They also conduct and plan new workers’ orientation, to promote positive attitude toward objectives of an organization (Collegetoolkit, 2015).

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Human resource managers identify job vacancies in an organization and take part in interview, recruit and choosing applicants. They coordinate, supervise, direct, and plan subordinates work activities and staff relating to employee relations, labor relations, compensation and employment. The also coordinate, control, plan, direct, or organize the labor relation, or personnel relation activities. They also represent company at personnel-associated investigations and hearings. Human resource managers also administer performance, benefits and compensation management system, recreation and safety programs. They also offer prospective and current with information regarding wages, policies, working conditions, job duties, employee benefits and promotion opportunities. Human resource managers also analyze statistical reports and data to determine and identify causes of personnel issues and create recommendations for enhancement of personal practices and policies of an organization. They also create and adhere to personnel operations budgets. They compile statistical reports and maintain records regarding personnel-associated data that include rates of absenteeism, hires, performance appraisals, and transfers (Aparna et al., 2010).

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Human resource managers are also involved in analyzing needs for safety and health in an organization. They also carry out exit interview to establish causes of employee’s termination. They oversee the classification, job positioning, evaluation and occupations rating. Human resource managers also prepare professional forecast for project employment needs. They study collective bargaining contracts, arbitration decisions, and legislation to evaluate industry trends. They also allocates duties to workers, guaranteeing suitable placement among personnel. They administer and develop special projects in aspects such as employee awards, pay equity, day care, and savings bond programs. They help in labor contract interpretation and negotiating contract bargains. They report and negotiate for industrial accidents on behalf of insurance carriers. In addition, they evaluate, administer and develop applicants’ tests. They also give relocation or outplacement assistance to terminated workers. Additionally, they communicate with vendors to offer workers a number of services that include relocation, transportation, or food services (Michael, 2010).

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Human Resource Competencies

The success of human resource manager is attributed to the core competencies in the position. Human resource personnel’s who contain particular core competencies have a competitive advantages as compared to others. They also add competitive advantage to their organization. Competency refers to a cluster of associated characteristics, knowledge, abilities, and skills, which are associated to the performance of the essential aspects of a profession’s practices. A competent human resource manager should have good negotiation skills, efficient job knowledge, effective training, influential power, and recruitment qualifications. Negotiation skills include effective relationship and communication skills that enhance win-win situation in negotiation. In addition, job knowledge include enough information on labor law, health and safety laws, federal, state and local policies, which alter regularly. They should also have enough knowledge and ability to integrate legal requirements, while creating organization policies, associated to labor operations in an organization (Hrpa, 2014).

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Human resource manager should also have great qualification in recruitment process. This include the ability narrow down possible applicants to the anticipation that they can effectively fill open as well as future job positions. This might include obtaining potential employees from universities and colleges, as well as obtaining candidates via referral. They should also manage to use cost effective recruitment techniques, but still maintain efficiency in their work (Anaejionu, 2015). In addition to all this, a competent human resource manager needs to be leaders besides being a manager. Good leadership skills are very essential to all human resource managers, since they deal with humans whose emotions and behavior can be influenced. Therefore, Human Resource managers should demonstrate effective leadership skills to be able to influence employees into satisfying the company’s goals and objectives (SHRM, 2008).

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Interview with a Human Resource Manager

An interview conducted with a HR manager clearly demonstrates that human resource managers play a great role in an organization. According to the interviewee, human resource managers assist in controlling the organization workforce and hence the general organization performance. Human resource managers manage this through recruitment, motivation, compensation, appraisals, and policies formations in an organization. Recruitment of qualified employees with the right skills, ability, experience and personality acts as the beginning of the organization success. However, this is not enough, human resource manager also have a responsibility of ensuring that these employees are able to employ their skills, abilities and experiences for the benefit of the company. This is normally done through motivation and ensuring that the employees have a conducive work environment.

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According to the interviewee, this motivation can be enhanced through competitive compensation, benefits that are beyond the governmental recommended, and adopting good leadership skills that enhances good relation, open communication and transformation where necessary. Workers should also be encouraged to pursue personal growth through promotions, verbal appreciation, and short-term as well as long-term incentives based on their performance. This according to the interviewee implies that human resource managers have a role of conducting employees’ appraisal frequently, to be able to know which employees need to be promoted, rewarded, demoted and terminated. The appraisal also assists in determining aspects that need to be changed or duties to be changed. This will assist in enhancing the organization performance.

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According to the interviewee, human resource managers play a great role in determining the policies that govern an organization, especially in aspects related to labor management. These policies highly contribute to the establishment of the organization culture. Organization culture plays a major role in determining the workforce behavior. The interviewee, described human resource managers as the backbone of an organization since they also contribute greatly in enhancing the attainment of the organization’s goals, by ensuring the employees’ production strategies align with the organization’s performance goal. The interview clearly demonstrated the importance of human resource manager and also the great need of a highly competent human resource manager in an organization.

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