
Cancer Prevention – Healthy People 2020 Objectives

Exploring a community related health issue identified in the Healthy People 2020 objectives – Assignment Instructions You will explore a community related health issue identified in the Healthy People 2020 objectives. The goal of this study is to go beyond the basic framework on the Healthy People 2020 internet sources and thoroughly research printed professional […]


Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study

Using the data from Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, describe the public health problem in terms of magnitude, person, time and place. The selected cohort study in this case is the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study that was conducted in 1984 to determine HIV risk factors in gay men. The research started in 1984 but the follow-up


Technologies for Air Pollution Control – Environmental Technology

Introduction Air pollution basically refers to the foreign materials found in the air. These foreign materials can occur naturally or can be manmade. Naturally occurring eruption normally happens during volcano eruption where lava is spewed onto land, poisonous gases with ash, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and Hydrogen sulfide, and emit particles are spewed into the atmosphere.


Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Strategies

Teenage pregnancy is one of the major social problems in the United States. According to statistics, there were 229715 infants born of teenage mothers; 15-19 years, in 2015 in the United States. This implies that about 229715 teenage girls’ life took a drastic turn from normal learning activity to motherhood. This results to substantial economic


Hazardous Waste Discussion Questions

What distinguishes a hazardous waste from a solid waste? Hazardous substances or waste can be possibly hazardous to environment or human health when they are managed improperly. Hazardous wastes have at least one of the four traits which include toxicity, ignitability, reactivity or corrosivity. Hazardous material can also be regarded as any material which has


Solid Waste Disposal in the United States

History of solid waste disposal in the United States Organized public works for human waste removal, street cleaning, water treatment and refuse collection was initially introduced to Americans urban in early 1800s. However, the American towns were forced to improve their environment and public health by recurring epidemics. This resulted to development of sewerage and

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