
Explore our extensive academic resources on communication. From research papers to practical guides, find everything you need to excel in the field of communication.


The Six Functions of Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication has six functions, namely contradict, repeat, substitute, regulate, accent and complement. Contradiction is the first function of nonverbal communication. Contradiction leads to giving inconsistent messages to employees, which causes them to lose trust in the company’s direction. For example, a supervisor asking his employees to get psyched for the day with a casual


Communication, Attitudes, Behaviors and Culture Effect on Team Performance

Communication, attitudes, behaviors and culture highly influence the organization performance. Communication highly determines the nature of interaction in a team. Open communication can highly encourage sharing of ideas and collaboration in problems solving and thus, good performance. However, when there is poor communication, the team is very likely to experience problems in their projects due


Mazda Integrated Marketing Communications Case Study

Discussion Questions Analyze the role of integrated marketing communications in the marketing of automobiles such as the Mazda Protegé and MAZDA6. How is each IMC element used to market automobiles? Evaluate Mazda’s decision to drop the “Get In. Be Moved’ tagline for the Protegé and adopt the “Zoom-Zoom” theme for its advertising. Evaluate the strategy


Personal Communication Devices Use In Nursing Practice

How can the use of the nurse’s personal communication device(s) impact patient care positively and/or negatively? Research performed by Alverina University to determine personal communication devices found that in one colossal hospital corporation situated in the U.S. indicated that about 54 percent of nurses preferred their smartphone to handle clinical duties to any other communication


How Communication Flows in a Department in My Current Organization

Companies with strong cultures have a strong flow of communication that moves in every direction. The four types of communication flows are Downward: communication flows from top management down to employees. Upward: communication flows from employees up to management. Lateral: communication flows between employees at the same level. Diagonal: communication flows across different work areas or organizational levels. Read


How Can i Improve Personal Communication?

How can i improve personal communication skills before my placement at the hospital? Remove barriers to effective communication Stress and emotion- Find a coping mechanism that works to relieve stress in the moment to avoid sending negative signals or making knee-jerk reactions at the workplace Lack of focus- Minimise the time spent on my phone


Non-Verbal Immediacy Interpersonal Communication Strategy

Non-Verbal Immediacy Non- verbal Immediacy is a form of interpersonal communication strategy that is meant to close the perceived psychological distance between individuals by adopting the use of non-verbal cues that evoke liking and declaration of feelings towards communicators. Immediacy in communication is best attained through the use of non-verbal communication techniques such as smiling,

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