
Discover a wealth of marketing academic resources, including articles, case studies, and research papers, to enhance your knowledge and skills in the field.


Marketing Concepts in Health Care

Proper marketing in healthcare is necessary in the sense that it helps healthcare organization to market their services, promote their products and services and improve the overall health of the community (Codourey, 2013). It is also a critical factor in improving delivery and quality of service provided by a healthcare organization, thus enhancing effectiveness and […]


Marketing IKEA Brands in China and Japan

IKEA is the world’s largest furniture store. Phase 1 of its internationalization involved expanding from its home in Sweden to most of Europe whereas Phase 2 looked to expand in the North America and Australia markets. Having successfully achieved these phases, the company set out implementing Phase 3 that looked to expand to the Asian


National Employment Pact Strategic Marketing

The National Employment Pact (NEP) was founded immediately after the end of revolution in the spring 2011. The NEP was formed as a practical response to the growing challenge of unemployment facing the Egyptian youth, particularly in the “Blue Collar workers”. The establishment of NEP came as a result of partnership between the German-Egyptian business


Marketing in For-profit and Not-for-profit Health Care Organizations – Matrix

Assignment Instructions Create a matrix that contrasts the differences between marketing in for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations.Include the following in your matrix: A Matrix That Contrasts The Differences Between Marketing In For-Profit And Not-For-Profit Health Care Organizations Format of Management For-profit health care organizations adhere to a centralized system of management which aims to


Strategic Marketing Process

Strategic marketing process involves the planning, implementation and control of the products to meet the needs of consumers in the market place. Now days, marketers have struggled to come up with was of making their products to flow faster in the market place. In the competitive market, corporate and business have strategize to come up


Use of BCG Growth-Share Matrices and GE/McKinsey Nine Cell Matrices to build Strategic Plans and in Creation of Marketing Plans

Assignment Instructions The life cycle of any product or service is key in the development of a marketing strategy. As corporate goals or consumer interests change, so will products or services. External to an organization will also be the impact of technological advancements and regulatory changes on product and service development and life cycle. Conduct


Marketing Orientation Approach And Product Orientation Approach

Marketing Orientation Approach Marketing oriented approach is a strategy undertaken by companies encompassing all actions geared towards satisfying the satisfaction of clients. Basically, organizations focus their production activities towards attainment of customers’ welfare. A marketing oriented organization will generally be concerned with identifying all the factors that are essential in meeting customer demand and needs

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