Report On Human Resource Management Issue Affecting An Organisation

Write a report about a major human resource management (HRM) issue affecting your organisation or an organisation you know well. The Human Resource Management Issue you choose to write about should be one of the main issues discussed in the subject. Hence, choose from the following: job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, pay structure and benefits.

In your Human Resource Management Issue report make sure to include:

  • A brief description of the organisation and the Human Resource Management Issue you have selected.
  • An analysis of the Human Resource Management Issue.
  • Describe the issue in detail.
  • Explain why the issue needs improving in the organisation; make a case for change.
  • Include in your analysis a comparison of practice in your own organisation with industry best practice or with practice in another organisation.
  • A set of recommendations to enable improvement or change. Explain what could be done to bring about improvement. These recommendations should follow logically from the analysis above; they should not be an unconnected after-thought.
  • It is important to demonstrate your knowledge about the Human Resource Management Issue and to clearly reference your sources. Read about your issue in journal articles (using AIB Online Library), books (including the textbook), industry reports, business literature, etc. Remember to note down your sources and reference your sources in the report.

In order to do well you need to structure your discussion appropriately, use good references, and clearly link recommendations to the description and analysis presented earlier in the report.

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