Site Evaluation Steps that should be Taken before Starting an Excavation Project

Excavation is regarded as any artificial depression, trench, cavity, or cut in the surface of the earth created by earth removal. Excavation presents great hazards to all involved workers. Cave-ins in particular present the most serious risk and are more probable to yield to workers fatalities. To minimize risks the site evaluation prior to excavation steps should include soil classification to ensure that the soil can support the process without collapsing. The next step should be reviewing the protective system to ensure that the place is safe. This should include evaluating ground and surface water in the area, water table location, evaluation of weather, and how it can impact the situation, evaluation of underground and overhead utilities, evaluation of quantity of protective or shoring system which might be need, determining needs for fall protection, the needed equipment and the number of needed equipment including ladders (, 2015).

Among the provided steps soil evaluation and classification is the step that is highly likely to prevent excavation injuries. This step determine whether the soil can old the kind of excavation to be done, and if there could be need of any kind of mechanism that should be employed to reduce the chance of collapsing of the walls or tops in a certain kind of soil. This determines the need for sloping shoring, or shielding based on the depth, type of excavation and soil type. Knowing this help in limiting chances of doing an excavation that can result to injuries and prepare the excavator to define the best method to employ to limit such chances.

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