Article Review – Educating Students with Learning Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms

In his article, Ford highlights the importance of allowing children with learning disabilities to learn alongside normal students in general education classrooms, also known as inclusive classrooms. The least restrictive environment mandate points out that, students with learning disabilities should be educated in inclusive classrooms unless their state of disability is so severe that they cannot be taught using teaching aids (Ford, 2013). In addition, the principle of inclusion should be implemented because through inclusion, academic institutions are able to show empathy, care, recognition, and respect towards students with learning disabilities.

Various stakeholders however have differing opinions on whether students with disabilities should be allowed to learn with their peers in general education classrooms (Ford, 2013). Some people claim that students with learning disabilities have unique characteristics that will prevent them from obtaining the desired academic achievement when allowed to learn in inclusive classrooms. On the contrary, other researchers argue that students with learning disabilities can perform well in inclusive classrooms if they are assisted by both special and genera educators (Ford, 2013). According to Ford (2013), the three strategies that can be applied to effectively educate students with learning disabilities in inclusive classrooms include co-teaching, differentiated instruction, and peer-mediated instruction and interventions.

As people continue to debate about the effectiveness of inclusion, it is important to differentiate between full inclusion and inclusion. Personally, I feel that when allowing a student with learning disability to study in a general classroom, it is important to assign a special teacher who will ensure that the student is getting the academic skills that he or she needs to achieve success.

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