CIS 331 Reliable Pharmaceutical Service Final Project Plan

CIS 331 Reliable Pharmaceutical Service Final Project Plan Instructions

Imagine you are the head administrator at Well Being Hospital, a hypothetical local health care facility. Your task is to communicate with Get Well Drugs, a major U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturer, in order to determine if the drugs supplied by this manufacturer are within benchmark standards set forth by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are thus suitable for use at your hospital. Specifically, you have to report your findings to the health care professionals who use these medications.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Recommend a strategy for communication with Get Well Drugs in order to determine if the drugs supplied by this manufacturer are within benchmark standards set forth by the FDA.
  2. Outline a plan for asking questions directed toward Get Well Drugs about any FDA regulations which may be applicable to your local hospital.
  3. Outline a plan for communicating these findings to a local consortium of nurses and physicians at your hospital. This plan must include, at a minimum, the cost of the drugs, as well as the types of drugs for use in mental, behavioral, and general services.
  4. Conclude your findings, in which you suggest the pros and cons of using Get Well Drugs.
  5. Use at least four (4) recent (i.e., last five [5] years), quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Explain the major components of the U.S. health care system, their functions, and the relationships among these components.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services organization.
  • Write clearly and concisely about health services organization using proper writing mechanics.

CIS 331 Reliable Pharmaceutical Service Final Project Plan Sample Paper

The Communication Strategy

The communication strategy adopted here by the Well Being Hospital towards making inquiry from the Get Well Drugs on their conformity and adherence to the set benchmarking standards of the United States Food and Drugs Administration should be an objective strategy, that is, one that is goal-oriented, timely and specifies its target audience appropriately (Paul, 2014)). It is very critical within the healthcare industry to uphold the standards, norms and principles put into place by the relevant authorities in regulation and guidance within the scope of such operations. The healthcare facility of Well Being Hospital should ensure that carrying out their daily business should be done with institutions and organizations which meet the set standards in order to validate their business terms and operate in an environment full of legal and operational concerns.

The development of such a communication strategy should acknowledge that the outlined standards on chemicals, foods and drug substances by the authorities are crucial measures to be considered at all times with view of benchmarking the code of ethics and operations in a healthcare facility. The dynamism and criticality of the healthcare sector calls for an explicitly stipulated course of operations within the legal and administrative standards of the industry. This part of this research paper ensures that an unequivocally stated communication strategy that Well Being Hospital is supposed to put into practice towards gaining the intended information of the compliance of the Get Well Drugs pharmaceuticals with the set standards of the Unites States Food and Drugs Administration (FDA).

This communication strategy is structured in a manner that its application should outrightly result into a comprehensive information from the Get Well Drugs on the question of them upholding the set standards of the FDA in supply their drugs to the hospital and other healthcare facilities. The key elements of communications strategy are given the prioritized standings in ensuring the objective of the whole communications process is achieved to the interest of every party involved.

The objective of the communication process.

This describes the communications problem which the strategy is seeking to address. Partially, this area defines the scope of the communication strategy. This start point of the communication strategy entails outlining the statement of purpose for the Well Being Hospital in formulation a formula of communication in which its major objective of such corporate engagement is achieved between the two principal organizations. The purpose for this communication engagement is the ascertaining of the suitability of using the drugs supplied by the Get Well Drugs pharmaceuticals in Well Being Hospital as a result of the former meeting the set forth standards by the industry regulator, the United States Food and Drugs Administration.  

The situation analysis

This section of the strategy encompasses the analysis of the various aspects involved in the purpose the communication strategy is structured to seek a solution for. This introductory within the communications strategy outlines exhaustively the engagements of the Well Being Hospital, that is the healthcare services it provides among other facts in relevance with the purpose of the communication strategy. This fragment further ensures that Well Being Hospital looks into its strengths and weaknesses in communications, for instance, stipulating the measures that had worked there before for the hospital and possible what had not worked accordingly for the organization. The analysis of the hospital’s situation can be undertaken from the perspective of a number of approaches, for example, doing the SWOT analysis, competitors’ analysis, and PEST analysis.

Goals and objectives

The hospital should ensure that the hospital distinguishes appropriately its goals from its objectives. A general perspective highlights that goals are broad in scope and give insights of the general intentions. The goals are abstract and are normally not easy to impartially evaluate. On the other hand, objectives are more concrete and precise. The SMART concept, that is, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound when highlighting the objectives of the hospital in this context should be a tool to consider. An efficient communication strategy would reflect on the main plan and intention of the organization.The objective in particular is recognized as the fundamental element in achieving policy or operational of the overall organization’s mission. In addition this part ensures that it sets out the purpose of the communication strategy.

Target audiences

This entails the individuals that the communications need to reach. The audience in this case should identified and segmented with relevant features to ensure effectiveness of the communication process. In should acknowledge the audiences and an appropriate planning is undertaken. The first audience in this scenario of the healthcare industry would be the attention accorded to the Well Being Hospital by the Get Well Drugs, the panel of the healthcare professionals and also the FDA team can be partly a consultative agency over the set standards measures necessity for the industry operations.

Key messages

The listing of key messages which are supposed to be applied consistently throughout the communications process. This area in tackled appropriately after the identification of the target audience. It entails a portioning the intended message into parts which would best be relayed to the specific audience. The supplementing of the messages should be carried on the basis of the versions which are tailored to specific audiences. The tailoring must be structured in a manner that gives precedence to that audience of urgency.


This details the amount of the whole process of the communications as allocated within the program’s budget stipulations. An explanation on the restrictions and conditions that are associated with the budget spending are highlighted here.

Risks and issues

This part entails any issues which may impact negatively the success of the structured communications. The attempts to address this section result to drafting a list of questions and answers within the scope of such communications.

Execution plan

With your key communications audience and the associated risks already identified, the next step is the drawing up of a plan that indicates the budget, key communications activities and allocation of resources is done with intention to delivering the communications strategy. The outlined work plan should ensure that there are proposed timescales and identification of challenges that exist in the strategy, thus allowing measurement of explicit steps towards the ultimate goal of the organization.


Choosing of appropriate medium of communication s to ensure effective achievement of the set objective of the strategy is an essential consideration within the context of the communications strategy implementation. This level finally ensure that the plan is put into action. This section the notes the beginning of widely detailed process of activities, measurement, re-evaluation of the strategy.


This conclusion part of the Well Being Hospital communications strategy entails the strategy’s evaluation. The indicators of success of the strategy are outlined and the communications strategy meeting the hospitals core objectives. The tools used for the whole process of evaluation is indicated.

A communication plan for questioning over FDA standards compliance

The plan for channeling the questions towards Get Well Drugs pharmaceuticals highlights a comprehensive framework in which the coverage of the principal objectives of the Well Being Hospital is undertaken. This ensures that there is sufficient information on the conformity levels of the Get Well Drugs with the set operational standards of the FDA with respect to the drugs the pharmaceuticals supply to the various hospitals and other healthcare units.

The plan for questioning is structured in such a manner that it carried on the basis of one-to-one interrogation and conversation of the subject matter. The whole project would be facilitated in the presence of the healthcare professionals of the Well Being Hospital, the team from the Get Well pharmaceuticals and representatives from the national agency of the Food and Drugs Administration.

Communications Plan for relying the results

The process of communicating the facts found as a result of the inquiry carried between the Well Being Hospital technocrats and the Get Well Drugs team would be done in a platform of a presentation to the local consortium of physicians and nurses at Well Being Hospital in a format that takes the framework below. This plan for communications involves the process of transmitting information and ideas between the team from Well Being Hospital and the local consortium of physicians and nurses.

A highlight of the presentation topic

The topic on which the information collected would be presented to the local consortium is stated here to give an insight on what the whole presentation entails. This topic for this case as earlier highlighted is the inquiry on gaining actual position of the Get Well Drugs with respect to acknowledging the standards set by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) over the drugs the pharmaceutical supply and hence the suitability of such drugs to be used in the Well Being Hospital.

Choosing main points

This entails a way of organizing actions which will lead to the fulfillment of the objective that the entire enquiry process over the FDA standards compliance by the Get Well Drugs. The inquiry process deduced that the Get Well Drugs supply drugs for a number of treatment options to various healthcare units. These healthcare facilities included: Mama Lucy Maternity Home, Fetty Healthcare Hospital and National Care for Children Home among other healthcare units.  The drugs supplied by the Get Well Drugs pharmaceuticals cover a wide scope of usage and treatment options, for instance the mental drugs they supply include anafrani, fevarin, sinequan, hydroxyzine, citalopram, topiramate, gabapentin and risperidone. The behavioral drugs they supply include paroxetine, nefazodone, desvenlafaxine, fluvoxamine maleate and escitalopram oxalate. On the other hand, the pharmaceutical supplies drugs for the general services which include amitriptyline, atropine midazolam and haloperidol.

Get Well Drugs supplies the drugs in wholesale terms to the different hospitals, chemists and other healthcare units throughout the nation. The pricing of their drugs are relatively fair, for example a whole package of drugs for general services- a drug like atropine is sold at US $ 17.8 for a packet weighing 800 grams.

Supporting details of the findings

The documents that were verifying the accreditation by the FDA over the supplies of drugs by the Get Well Drugs were shown to the consortium to confirm that the pharmaceutical meets the set benchmarking standards of the FDA. The consortium representatives verified that the pharmaceutical met the requirements and standards stipulated by the FDA with the mission of protecting the America’s health (Troy, 2012).


This report concludes by giving a summarized statement on the findings from the inquiry undertaken by the Well Being Hospital on verifying the Get Well Drugs compliance with the set standards by FDA. The inquiry finally deduced that the pharmaceutical upholds the standards set by Food and Drugs Administration and therefore the drugs they supply are highly suitable to be used by the Well Being Hospital.

Pros of using Get Well Drugs

  • Since the Get Well Drugs have accreditation of the FDA, the drugs supplied by this entity are suitable and readily available for usage to various hospitals and other healthcare units across the nation.
  • The Get Well drugs are affordable which makes them highly preferred.
  • The Get Well Drugs pharmaceutical have several branches across the nation which make their drug supplies to be highly reliable and fast.

The cons of using Get Well Drugs

  • The profession requirement of the drugs supplied by the Get Well Drugs on the prescription and usage details would amount to extra costs on the part of users as Jacobsen & Wertheimer (2010), identifies that failure to consider this fact would negatively impact on the users.
  • The packaging system of the drugs supplied by the Get Well Drugs become so weak to contain counterfeiting and thus a number of counterfeit drugs branded as those of Get Well Drugs are readily available in the market and this creates confusion among the users.

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