

Star Waka by Robert Sullivan

Star Waka, by Robert Sullivan, is an expertly-written anthology of poems which provides an overview of the gradual morphing of imagination among the original inhabitants of modern-day New Zealand. It is a continuation of Maori oral culture which aspires to provide a concise depiction of the native people, faunae, and notable natural phenomenon which litter […]


Impact of Terrorism on Children

As expected, the onus is customarily on Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNPs) to act responsively and apply empathy during the evaluation of sensitive issues that threaten children and adolescents.  Acts of terrorism have recently emerged as the archetypal representation of a special issue and with the potential to impart long-lasting trauma on children.  According


Caring for Pediatric Patients – Reflection

The recent transition from my former role as a Registered Nurse (RN to a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) represents one of my most significant moves yet. In particular, I was curious to discover the overall impact this would have on my competence and whether I was adequately prepared for my new role.  Felsenstein et al.,


Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Group Therapy for Addiction – Levy Family: Sessions 1-7

Group Therapy for Addiction Levy Family: Sessions 1-7 When selecting a psychotherapeutic approach for a client, you must consider the unique needs and characteristics of that particular client. The same is true when selecting a psychotherapeutic approach for groups. Not every approach is appropriate for every group, and the group’s unique needs and characteristics must


Borderline Personality Disorder – Personality Disorder Resulting from PTSD

From the 1950s, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been associated with far-reaching psychological impacts as a consequence of accompanying clinical manifestations. Further research into the overall impact of PTSD on trauma patients has recently drawn a correlation between the condition and an increased risk of developing debilitating personality disorders such as borderline personality disorder (BPD)


Dead White Writer on the Floor – Literary Analysis

Does the play suggest that Native people can’t escape the stereotypes constructed by the dominant culture? What aspects of the text suggest that there is no escape? Conversely, what aspects of the text suggest that there is an escape? In Dead White Writer on the floor, the author’s perspective in presenting the indigenous characters suggests


Interaction between Nurse Informaticists and other Specialists

Nurse Informaticists play a distinctive role within the current structure of healthcare organizations today. Normally, their exceptional skill set differs significantly from that of other clinical staff; setting them part from the rest while ensuring they harness the aforementioned expertise to improve the quality care and services offered. Their integration into the healthcare system is


Vostok Ice Core Data and Its Significance

Vostok Is located in East Antarctica and believed to be one of the coldest places on earth. It is located close to a Russian base, with a good measurement and recording, where it has been observed that the lowest ever documented temperature in the world was recorded there at -89.2 degrees of Celsius (Lipenkov, 2018).


Impacts of Thermohaline Shutdown on Land and Water Life

Scientists believe the shutdown of Thermohaline Circulation can have severe and catastrophic effects on both land and water life, given the impact this event would have on climate change (Anthoff, Estrada, & Tol, 2016). Given that the Thermohaline Circulation is much determined by the differences in density of seawater salinity and temperature variation, the warm


Politics and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is among one of the most impactful healthcare legislations in the history of the state. Yet, numerous efforts have been made to either repeal or replace it by challenging its constitutionality in federal courts. Among the most notable lawsuits challenging ACA was the National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius

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