Difference Between Leadership and Board Governance in Establishing Strategic Planning for a Health Care Organization

Leadership and board governance are essential elements within healthcare organizations. Both aspects share a symbiotic relationship when endeavoring to establish strategic planning strategies within healthcare organizations. Leadership encompasses astute management practices which make it possible for select individuals within the aforementioned institutions to effectively lead a team of professionals (Medicine & Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing; at the Institute of Medicine, 2017). Board governance entails the application of appropriate policies which then clarify the role of key members within different levels within the organization to ensure a clear course is chartered. Thus, this paper will evaluate the differences between leadership and board governance when instituting strategic planning for a health care organization.

Demystifying Leadership and Board Governance

            Leadership and board governance are two distinct aspects of healthcare organizations. Although they seem divergent in approach, it is critical to acknowledge that they work in unison to ensure healthcare organizations function at optimal level.  This cooperation enables health care organizations to develop apposite strategies with the aim of achieving select strategies and objectives. Leadership is based on individual’s skills at the helm of power who apply viable schemes to improve outcomes within the organization. On the other hand, board governance consists of a group of specialists within the organization whose primary objective is to delegate roles and responsibilities. These actions aim to bolster any leadership initiatives which had, hitherto, been enacted within the larger management apparatus.

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Differences between Leadership and Board Governance when Introducing Strategic


            Leadership encapsulates all individuals within the organization who have been accorded a level of authority to support the organization’s objectives. Within healthcare organizations, leaders are responsible for the wellbeing of all patients by making certain that staff members are aware of their roles. Leadership is crucial within healthcare organizations for it creates as sense of direction for subordinate employees who are ultimately accountable for their actions. It entails making difficult choices which may eventually impact the organization and the manner in which its operations are conducted. Able leadership involves a level of discretion since its prime objective is the promotion of institutional progress while mitigating risk. Good leadership is, therefore, essential since it impacts the overall quality of management while making sure that critical thinking is applied before making difficult decisions. When practicing leadership, heads of various departments within an organization are required to lead by example and enforce all the rules and regulations governing the conduct of major actors.

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            Conversely, governance is a process of implementing power as opposed to leadership which is primarily based on the skill of guiding individuals. Governance focuses on strategic policies within the organization while centering on the system design to make sure every member is accountable for their actions while providing effective oversight. Routing and authoritative functions occupy a central role within healthcare organizations (Biggs, 2011, p. 23). Competing influences are identified and balanced as a way of ensuring that every single demand is met. It is important for figure heads within boards to work towards regulating the behavior of the wide range of actors within the health care system for a smooth transition. This involves gaining a comprehensive understanding of healthcare providers, financiers and practitioners, critical in the identification of any emerging anomaly. Board governance involves appropriate collaborative measures with stakeholders to enable the organization to effectively manage available resources.

            Leadership is not localized within an entire healthcare organization and functions as a major factor impacting varying aspects within the facility. For instance, the management team within an organization may actively seek to check and review budgetary allocations to make sure crucial elements are addressed even during changeover periods (Rubino et al., 2018, p. 67). Similarly, leadership ensures that major actors are accorded a specific level of control within the organization which allows them to review healthcare laws and their application within facilities. Appropriate leadership within healthcare institutions also functions as a segment of the institution tasked with transforming it through hiring qualified individuals to transform the quality of care. Furthermore, these same individuals also make sure that patient care becomes a priority while focusing on every available quality measure. Healthcare leaders occupy a unique position within the larger system which places them a strategic position from which to effect positive change while seeking to achieve shared goals.

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            Board governance within the health care structure ensures that policies, laws and structures are adhered to by all employees and stakeholders alike. The ultimate objective is the formulation of a working team of individuals capable of enforcing rules and regulations while striving for increased accountability within the system. By so doing, consumers are always assured of a superior quality of care which then results in improved patient outcomes. A board of governance is an amalgamation of qualified medical practitioners who liaise with trustees to manage resources within the organization (Chambers et al., 2016).  Their main aim is to work as a team while striving to achieve a specific set of objectives for posterity. Proper functioning of the board of governance is dependent upon the quality of the relationships developed between various actors and cooperation to elevate performance.

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In conclusion, leadership and board governance are fundamental elements within healthcare organizations. Although they collaborate for better outcomes, they are dissimilar and serve specific roles within the larger healthcare entity. Personnel within the health organization benefit from astute leadership where appropriate skills are applied to attain specific objectives. Board governance is tasked with understanding an organization’s collective goals while working with a committee to improve an organization’s position.

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