Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance – Annotated Bibliography


Today’s business world is characterized by stiff competition in almost all industries. As a result, organizations have to find ways to maintain a competitive advantage in their respective industries. Considering that employees are the most important asset of any organization, it is imperative that employers hone their ability to get the best out of their workforce. One of the ways that they can achieve this is through employee motivation. The current research seeks to assess the impact of motivation on employee performance. Notably, an effective inquiry must be based on a rich body of literature related to the topic under consideration. Hence, the below identified six articles will be instrumental to completing the current research as they are rich in knowledge relating to the topic under consideration and provides different perspectives of evaluating the relationships between the research variables.

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Quantitative Research Articles

Sandhu, M. A., Iqbal, J., Ali, W., & Tufail, M. S. (2017). Effect of employee motivation on employee performance. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies3(1), 85-100.

The study seeks to evaluate the relationship between employee motivation and workplace performance. Specifically, the researchers seek to understand the influence of employee motivation on job performance. The research uses a sample consisting of 120 college and university lecturers from Sahiwal city, Punjab. The research results indicate that employee motivation has a positive impact on job performance.

The researchers base the study on Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory. Thus, a plausible theory informs the conceptual framework of the research. Moreover, the research findings concur with the existing body of research on the topic. Existing literature on organizational productivity elucidates that employee motivation positively influences job performance leading to optimal productivity.

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The article will prove significantly resourceful to the completion of my research as it provides empirical evidence regarding the relationship between employee motivation and job performance. It not only confirms the existence of a correlation between the two variables but also goes further to break down various types of employee motivation strategies and their effectiveness. The article will, therefore, help me establish a strong basis for a well-informed inquiry.

Diamantidis, A. D., & Chatzoglou, P. (2019). Factors affecting employee performance: an empirical approach. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

The study seeks to identify factors that influence employee performance in the workplace. The research participants entail 79 human resource managers and 392 employees from various organizations.  Among the factors identified as having a strong impact on work performance is employee performance. The research results show that both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators significantly influence employee performance.

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The theoretical framework of the study entails a rich foundation of literature regarding employee-related factors and employee performance. The research findings also contribute to the developing body of knowledge in employee performance. Additionally, the findings align with the existing research body regarding the relationship between employee motivation and job performance. Thus, the research is reliable to inform the current research.

This study takes a different angle in evaluating the correlation between employee motivation and work performance. Unlike most studies, which directly assess the link between the two variables, it indirectly identifies employee motivation as a significant factor affecting employee performance. The research will, therefore, provide a different perspective on looking at the relationship between the two variables; thus, it will be instrumental to the completion of the current research.

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Qualitative Research Articles

Jain, A., Gupta, B., & Bindal, M. (2019). A study of employee motivation in organization. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR)9(6), 65-68.

            The study seeks to evaluate the effects of motivation on employee performance and identify approaches that employers can use to motivate employees. The research collects qualitative data from Mind Science India Pvt. Limited whereby it incorporates 100 participants. Analysis of data collected demonstrates that motivation is a significant aspect within any workplace as it leads to increased job performance.

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            The research is founded on a robust conceptual framework incorporating three research theories, including Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs model, Expectancy theory, and Herzberg two Factor theory. The research findings align with these theories as well as existing literature on the topic. Moreover, it identifies forms of motivation and their effectiveness based on analysis of collected data.

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            The article will be instrumental to the completion of the current research. The article’s contents align with the current research topic. Besides identifying a correlation between motivation and employee performance, it also explores different approaches that organizations can use to effectively their workers. Thus, the article promises to be significantly resourceful to the current inquiry.

Setiawan, D. A. (2020). A qualitative study of employees’ motivation factors on organization: a case study from a company in Indonesia. Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review3(3), 112-121.

The study by Setiawan evaluates employee motivation factors and their impact on work performance. The research focuses on one (unidentified) of Indonesia’s state-owned organizations. The research findings identify salary, work-life balance, reward/recognition, and growth opportunity as motivational factors influencing employee performance. Hence, the researcher concludes that both extrinsic and intrinsic factors have a positive influence on employee performance.

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McGregor’s X and Y theories inform the conceptual framework of this study. The research is also based on a rich foundation of existing literature on the topic. The research findings align with the research literature and also confirms the study hypotheses. The article is, therefore, reliable to inform the current research focusing on the relationship between employee motivation and job performance.

The article will be useful to the completion of the current research as it provides rich information regarding the research topic. It also incorporates recommendations regarding how employees enhance employee motivation outcomes. Hence it will prove to be significantly important to the literature review part of the current study.

Mixed-Methods Research Articles

Kuswati, Y. (2019). Motivation Role in Improving Work Effectiveness. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal), 281-288.

The study seeks to assess the motivation role in improving work effectiveness of the employees of an Irrigation Network at Talaga, Majalengka. The researcher utilizes both qualitative and quantitative data. The research findings show that motivation improves employee’s morale and engagement level leading to increased work effectiveness. The researcher, therefore, concludes that employee motivation positively influences work performance.

The researcher assesses the relationship between employee motivation and job performance using various indicators, including the principles of performance, communication, authority, and mutual attention. The research is, as such, founded on an extensive literature review of the topic. Additionally, the research findings concur with existing literature on the topic under consideration.

The article will prove useful to the current literature by introducing a different perspective on the relationship between employee motivation and work performance. Rather than directly examining the said relationship, the researcher bases his analysis on how motivation impacts work environment and how this translates to improved employee performance. Therefore, the source will be significantly useful to the completion of the current research.

Deressa, A. T., & Zeru, G. (2019). Work motivation and its effects on organizational performance: the case of nurses in Hawassa public and private hospitals: Mixed method study approach. BMC research notes12(1), 1-6.

The primary objective of this research was to evaluate the level of motivation in a workplace and how it reflects in organizational performance. The research focuses on public and private hospitals located in Hawassa, Ethiopia. The research findings demonstrated that the level of employee motivation can predict organizational performance. The article, therefore, concludes that there exists a positive correlation between employee motivation and work performance.

Numerous credible sources inform the literature review section of this study. Hence, the research’s conceptual framework is founded on a rich body of literature on the topic under consideration. The research results also concur with existing literature focusing on the topic. Most importantly, the study introduces new aspects of the relationship between employee motivation and organizational performance by incorporating aspects such as job satisfaction, team spirit, job attachments, and others.

A solid body informs the research literature of the study of credible sources and theories on the topic. Additionally, the research uses a reliable instrument of measuring employee motivation whereby it utilizes the multidimensional work motivation scale (MWMS). The information presented by the article is, therefore, reliable and can be used in the completion of the current research.

The article will be useful to the research since it arrives at a conclusion that supports my research hypotheses. Additionally, it introduces a unique perspective of analyzing the relationship between employee motivation and work performance. Thus, it will prove significantly resourceful.


            Organizations must strive to establish and maintain a competitive advantage in their respective industries. One of the ways that they can do this is through enhancing organizational performance. Achieving this objective requires optimal performance from individual employees and the organization as a collective. Given the importance of employee performance, knowledge regarding how organizations can influence their workers to perform optimally is essential to employers. The current research proposes that motivation can help organizations improve employee performance. The six identified articles will prove significantly resourceful in the completion of the paper. Although they all support the current research’s hypothesis, they provide different perspectives of analyzing the relationship between motivation and employee performance.

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