Impacts of Rational Self Interest


Maximizing the expected benefit is important for every option that a person chooses. People do various things to benefit themselves and, as a result, benefit those affected by their choices. In all activities the issue of cost is mostly considered to ensure that the person carrying them out is achieving his or her goals and that, the cost is within reach and does not affect the benefit to the individual (McEachern, 2009).

Attending college is important to a person since it increases their competitiveness in the particular disciplines with others. They obtain skills that will help better themselves and their self-interests. As such, they are wont to benefit from higher positions than they are now if they complete college. Attending college is thus better than working full time since the job one gets with meagre skills is of a lesser salary than what one would get if he or she went to college.

The option of buying a used textbook is more appealing than that of buying a new book. The used textbook is cheaper and will save one money that can be used to purchase other things and the book will help others and the person in the task, which it is bought for. The used textbook has the same information contained in the new textbook and a person gets to obtain valuable information from a cheaper book than in getting a new book, which is mostly expensive.

Attending a local college is better than an out of Town College. A local college is cheaper and helps one reduce transportation costs. An out of Town College, on the contrary, will add various costs like transportation costs. The person can easily access the college and carry out his or her daily assignments without any hustle or bustle. As such, one benefits greatly from a college that is near than one that is far.

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