
Noise, Sound and Noise-Control Strategies

The difference between sound and noise is heavily reliant on the listener and their circumstances. Sound is what one hears while noise is the unwanted sound(Yerges, 1969). The classification of sound as noise is personal and what counts as sound to one individual may amount to noise to another depending on their context. When classifying […]


Hearing Conservation Program

OSHA 29 CFR1910.95 mandates that all employers administer a hearing conservation program as a complete safety management. An effective hearing conservation program consists of the following elements: monitoring, audiometric testing, hearing protectors, training program, enforcement, record keeping, and program evaluation(DiBerardinis, 1999). The purpose of this paper is to give a brief description of each and


Time-Weighted Average, Short-Term Exposure Limit, Exposure Ceiling, And Biological Exposure Indices

The terms Time-weighted average, short term exposure limit, exposure ceiling, and biological indicesare essential lexicons in the nomenclature of occupational health and safety.As guidelines of health hazard controls, they are particularly valuable for occupational health professionals who want to understand the concept of exposure thresholds. The purpose of this essay is to spell out their


Role of age and Environment in how Memories are Formed and Maintained

Environment             The environment plays a significant in influencing the formation of memories in that they involve a person’s day to day activities and reactions towards different phenomena. A person’s environments are responsible for the amount of input of information to memory as well as reactions to these phenomena. The environment influences the moods, health,


How Memories are formed in the Brain

Memories are formed by processes that involve a constant change in the strength of synapses; a series of connections between neurons in the brain. These connections vary in strength depending on the frequency of their activation over time. This means that when there is theinput of information, the synapses channel the information through specific neural


Writing to Show Cause and Effect

Essay 4: Writing to Show Cause and Effect Write an academic essay where you show a clear relationship between cause and effect, with a topic chosen from your major field of study, your work life, or your personal life. Here are some examples of topics from your textbook and from successful student papers: Causes of


MKTG602 Case Analysis Report

MKTG602 Case Analysis Report Instructions This is an individual assignment. It focuses on a Case from an International Marketing textbook.The Report is worth 30% of the total marks in this Unit. What You Should Do Note that the Report does not simply involve summarising the Case and answering the Case Questions that appear at the end

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