Proposal Letter Asking For A Lecture And A Dinner Speech

Icare Manager

P.O BOX, 675343-98433,

New York.

Phone Number: +1 4567328990

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Professor Wilson Jackson,

Director, National Human Rights Association,

P.O BOX 45677-98433,

New York.

Dear Wilson,


I am pleased to invite you to the deliver a lecture and dinner speech at the International Day for People with Disabilities, scheduled on Friday 7th August 2015, at 4 pm, in the company’s Main Hall. This is an annual event that is held to recognize and embrace people with disabilities in the community. The event will run from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm, and the speech will be delivered from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm.

The event will provide a good opportunity for informing people with disabilities about their rights and for encouraging them to become active citizens. We expect to host more than 200 people with disabilities from the community, which will create an opportunity for you to explain to them the rights that they enjoy as disabled persons. In addition, you will have a chance to advise people with disabilities on how they can become active citizens. Please confirm your attendance by phone or through email before the said date. In case of any questions concerning the event, please do not hesitate to contact us through the contact information provided.

We look forward to meeting you at the day of the festival.


Yours faithfully,

Icare Manager.

+1 4567328990.

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