The Future of Security – Industry Trends, Challenges Faced and Impact of Globalization

The Future of Security

Concerns about pliability against potential harm have recently emerged as an area of interest for security authorities. Protection from hostile forces is a fundamental part of progressive societies that aim to safeguard citizenry welfare (Beyerer, 2017). A singular focus on the future of security, therefore, ensures that key players in the field are better prepared for any imminent eventuality that hinges upon access control. In addition to this, recommendations about feasible measures can also brought forth to express confidence in the measures put forward. The security sector is an ever-changing landscape that always presents new challenges to practitioners. Making plans for posterity is critical as a countermeasure that may ultimately go a long way with regard to foiling potentially harmful attacks. Futuristic outlooks also champion the “defense in depth” outlook with the aim of improving security and assessing all possible vulnerabilities which may create future loopholes. It is, therefore, critical to evaluate the future of security through industry trends, challenges faced and the impact of globalization in the provision of these services.

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Prevailing industry and legislative trends are fitting predictors of the future of security. Practitioners in the security sector typically seek to create solutions while anticipating any future needs that may emerge. For instance, cyber security has recently emerged as a topical issue in most security circles. The reason why this is the case has to with the ease and speed through which technological advances are taking place. It is predicted that these same advances are capable of impacting physical security hence the concern. The integration of physical security and the cyberspace is a current trend which may present a host of challenges in the future (Beyerer, 2017, p. 67). Hackers may infiltrate vulnerable devices to acquire sensitive data. The drive towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning will also have a profound impact on security matters. The deployment of smart technology and data analytics will drive security providers more towards intelligent insights when providing their services. State legislatures have also increasingly clamored for an increase in the use of body-worn camera (BWC) as standard issue equipment for security agents (Nemati, 2010).  The State of Florida was first to pass legislation promoting the use of BWCs, an indication that policymakers are aware of its importance and support their acquisition.

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There are a number of key challenges currently facing the security industry.  The adoption of new technology is a double-edged sword that has created a chasm between local security providers and international contractors. In addition to the advantageous variety in which these technologies comes in, security agents can now perform their duties expeditiously, Nevertheless, less sophisticated counterparts may experience increased difficulties when encountering new security challenges such as crippling cyber-attacks that require additional resources. Another major challenge to security is ensuring officer safety.  Law enforcement agents need to remain vigilant and adapt to an environment that is transforming speedily and presenting new risks. Furthermore, the sudden increase in private security contractors presents an unprecedented challenge to other players. Fierce competition for clients may create an environment hostile to development and the cooperation required in thwarting potential threats (Holbraad & Pedersen, 2013). Recruiting the right individuals for the job has also proven difficult for many in the security sector. Most recruits view their position as a stopgap that they can use a catapult to other lucrative careers, which then bears down on their productivity.

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            Globalization has also impacted the provision of security services. The integration of trade, culture and technology has similarly introduced new challenges to the provision of much needed amenities in the industry. Nations have often readily accepted the notion that integrating security services is the best option when seeking to deal with security threats efficiently. However, the reality is that globalization has increased the levels of security threat which now makes it increasingly difficult to provide much needed services. New challenges such as cross-border terrorism and human trafficking serve as the best examples of the negative effects that can result from globalization. The United States and countries in the south of Europe have recently had to grapple with a sudden spike in migrants trying to cross the border illegally (Kirshner, 2013, p. 76). By so doing, security agencies soon overstretch their resources and even fail to provide security services to those in dire need. Consequently, the emergence of private security firms dealing with emerging threats such as illegal migration has sparked a heated debate with regard to the ethics behind their business. These business enterprises are essentially fueled by the same migrant crisis they are expected to control which creates an air of uncertainty in the security sector.

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In conclusion, an appraisal of the future of security is important for practitioners and policymakers in the industry. An assessment of emerging trends such as the integration physical security and cyberspace, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and new law enforcement technology such as body-worn cameras (BWCs) is an indication of what to expect in future. Even though the adoption of new technologies and globalization present a constant challenge, the provision of security services will always remain a priority for major players in the sector. 

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