National Infrastructure Protection Plan and Risk Management Framework


The national infrastructure protection plan and risk management framework is important in mitigating risks and ensuring that the infrastructure is protected from destruction by either natural or artificial causes (United States, 2006). The mitigation of risks is important since most of the people are less prepared for various risks that take place almost daily. The unpreparedness is a risk that should be dealt with to prevent injuries and harm to the people.

The purpose of the loop design is to test the disaster preparedness and prevent any repetition that may occur and that can be prevented. Therefore, it is important for the people to ensure that they are well versed with the technologies or strategies put in place. The loop makes sure that the design put in place works well. The feedback helps to determine the weaknesses and the strengths of the design through the people who form the interested parties. Therefore, the loop design helps to assess the security framework and determine the strategies in place.

Various things affect the infrastructure and may destroy them in the end. Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and other violent storms among others destroy a lot of property and infrastructure in their wake. Many lives are lost during this period and, therefore, the mitigation measures need to be put in place to ensure that such lives are safe. The various designs put in place ensure that the destruction of infrastructure id reduced. Roads are destroyed in the process and the risk re high since transport is hindered largely.

Taking a risk management is an important step in dealing with risks. The risks are many and assessing them and trying to find solutions to the problems ensures that subtle risks are discovered and mitigated. The programs put in place to minimize the risks are computed from the system analysis and prioritization of the various solutions. The critical infrastructure in place thus requires risk management since most of the risks that happen to infrastructure are preventable. The companies can has an assessment that comes up with the various strategies that can solve the problems. The critical infrastructure can thus e safeguarded through the various risk solutions found from conducting a risk assessment.

Identifying assets, systems and networks is an important step in risk management. Identifying the interested ensures that necessary measures are taken to protect them and ensure that the various threats and vulnerabilities to the system are dealt with. Knowing the various assets provides more information on how various measures will be taken to mitigate the various risks. For anyone to solve a problem he or she must identify the things that are at risk and then determine a solution for each of them.

Some of the criticism leveled against the national infrastructure protection plan is assumptions made towards employment. The employment issue is another problem facing the NIPPS. The model assumes that full employment cannot be achieved. The model postulated that countries, which are poor, should look of funds in terms loans to improve their economic growth. In the end, the countries run into debt especially where they do not have proper strategies in place to ensure that the money borrowed is used properly. The past has many stories there poor countries have taken loans only to default and not make any tangible development with the funds. Therefore, loans are not a solution for improving economic growth.







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