Attitude Survey: Pro-Elementary Sexual Education

Pro-Elementary Sexual Education

Purpose of the Research

Sex education involves informing adult and younger generations about all that they are required to know about sex. Apart from sex, this includes educating students on other sensitive issues that include sexuality, sexual production, and sexual health among others. Sex education has for long been taken as a recreational course and not a serious education course. Therefore, most schools do not embrace sexual education. Introduction of sexual education in schools has been one of the most controversial issues in the education sector. There are a number of stakeholders who believe that sexual education will reduce the rate of school pregnancies and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases among students. However, they are others who believe that students should be strictly taught on abstinence and not on how to have safe sex or on any other sexual related subjects. This paper evaluates a survey that can be conducted to obtain the opinion of education stakeholders regarding sexual education in elementary schools.

Research Purpose

Elementary schools are normally comprised of children ranging from 5 years to teen age. In an ideal situation, these kids are not expected to be engaged in any sexual related activity. However, this is not the case. Most children are currently being involved in sexual activities an aspect that is resulting to increase in early pregnancy and STDs in school. This clearly demonstrates that need for sex education in elementary schools. The purpose of this attitude survey is to evaluate the opinion of the school stakeholders on introduction of sexual education in elementary schools. The research focuses on establishing whether this idea is supported among the school stakeholders.

Preliminary Design Issues

The research focused on evaluating the opinion of all school stakeholders who include teachers, parents, educators, and other individuals in the ministry who decide on the school programs and curriculum regarding the matter. To perform this kind of a research one need the permission of the educators or the ministry of education. This is one of the biggest challenges that I experienced. I had to make a comprehensive proposal to convince them that the research is worth and will be of great use to the education system of the country.

Another major challenge that I experienced is on deciding on the best data collection tool. Interview could have been the best since I could have managed to collect a lot of information. However, it is hard to administer and so demanding in terms of time and money. It would also be very hard to interview a lot of people and to get opinion of many. Therefore, I had to do a thorough evaluation before coming up with questionnaire as my statistical data collection tool. In my research design, I intended to have each group of stakeholders represented. The other major challenge was on how to select the participants to ensure that all the stakeholders are presented. To ensure this, I considered distributing my questionnaire in bits with each bit targeting a certain group of stakeholders, despite of all questionnaires having similar questions. Teachers were to be found in schools, parents in the general population, educators and other members of education ministry in their office. The survey was basically dealing with human being and thus, I needed to satisfy the research ethical requirements as required by the researchers’ code of conduct to be able to continue with the research.

Administering of Survey

The survey administration started with signing of the informed consent for those who wished to take part in the research. To be participants, one was required to be in one of the identified groups of stakeholders. The participants were then provided with a research questionnaire containing 9 questions. They were required to answer the questionnaire within 20 minutes and return them to the researcher. Teachers and parents were provided with these questionnaires during the end of a school meeting while educators and others in the ministry were provided with the questionnaire in their working environment. The questionnaire were answered individually and not in groups.


The research will involve a structured questionnaire with 5 possible solution in each case that range from (5) highly accepted (4) accepted (3) neutral (2) rejected (1) highly rejected. To obtain the actual response for each examined item, an average score will be obtained for each category. This will assist in obtaining the most preferred option.

Survey Interpretation

The researcher will consider establishing the percentage score of each score in each evaluated item. This together with the average rating calculated in the scoring section will be used in survey interpretation. For instance if an item scores an average of more than 2.5 the response tend to be neutral. Anything above that will be considered positive while anything below that will be considered negative. To determine where the response weight is high and thus the most possible best response that stands for majority, the percentage score will be used. Normally, the highest score will be very close to the average rating score.

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