Distinct American Culture That Emerged In 1820 and 1830s


The America culture underwent drastic changes in between the early 1800s. Changes in artistic works, philosophies and artists took dynamic turns. The nation shifted from being a nation led by rural and country ideals to a more modern nation. The countries that had valued rural and country ideals was changed drastically as more people moved to towns most of them being the youth. The urban centers developed their culture and gradually moved away from the rural culture. Various artists described the events that were happening at that time. Walt Whitman, Henry Thoreau, and Emerson Waldo vouched for liberation and self-sufficiency. Most of the philosophers concentrated, therefore, wrote on slavery and its abolishment. Garrison Lloyd was an abolitionist during this period who championed against slavery. Fredrick Douglass was a philosopher who was the first African-American author who vouched against slavery. Susan b Anthony progressed women rights. She was an abolitionist.

The themes during the 1800s dwelt on the aftermath of the revolutionary war and the continual process of forming a new government. Some of the themes were the formation of the new nation, independence, former slaves and the fight for their rights. The artists illustrated the various works and changes that took place at that time through paintings. Thomas Cole was one artist who exhibited the North’s virgin nature. Capitol Hill houses many works that are evident in the decorations of the building. Therefore, American history at that time concentrated on the formation of a new nation and the enlightenment of African Americans. Louisa Alcott, Henry Longfellow and John Greenleaf among many others wrote on the events that occurred as the country developed.

The philosophers and artistic works during the early 1800s dwelt on slavery and independence.

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