Focused-content Portal

Focused-content portal refers to an individual or a collection of sites that are highly focused on a specific content. Focused-content portal allows users interested on a specific content to access information on the same. Usually, the information provided on these portals is limited to company’s agenda as opposed to affinity portals where there is leverage for outside information. It is typically useful for specialized contents such as games and weather. is an example of a focused- content portal. This is a movie review site that individuals whether supporters or critics can make their reviews on the movies provided by the site. The site allows for users to either see or buy movies. The feature of this portal includes movies and DVDs, TV shows and programs, news, tickets and show times. It shows the TV shows, movies and episodes that are yet to be shown or that are already available for sale.

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Just like Facebook, Rotten Tomatoes uses the advertising revenue model to generate its revenue. At the bottom of the site is a label for Ad choices. This link directs one to the films and movies he/she is looking for and personal information is required for access. It also offers directing marketing and one has to register to contribute.

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The site can be improved by providing direct links to ticket purchases, film purchases as well as other obtrusive additions that may be necessary. Despite the fact that it’s part of Flixter and therefore several people are intrigued to view the site, it would be imperative to offer links to monetize such as advert links (Phil, 2013). With a visit of about twenty six million, the site would do better if a clearly defined advertising revenue model is integrated.

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