Rulemaking Authority of Foreign Administrative Bodies and Their Effect on U.S.

Foreign Administrative Bodies

International trade plays an essential obligation in the prosperity and growth of the United States. Similar to how the open trading among the 50 states of America develops extensive benefits, open trading enhances great benefits at global level.  Trade promotes technology transfer, creates competition, and permits businesses and consumers access to the global best products. This yields to income rise, higher productivity and innovation all around. The foreign administrative bodies are highly involved in regulating international trade operations. The international trade administration is involved in developing export strategies creating limits to the international trade. This include developing rules and regulations that control countries relation in international trade. This paper evaluates how the foreign administrative bodies’ rulemaking authority influences the US global businesses.

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The Foreign Administrative Bodies’ Rulemaking Authority Influences the US Global Businesses.

The foreign administrative bodies’ authority to make rules regarding international business gives them the ability to control the international business. This implies that they can develop a role to favor trade relation between countries in a certain region and to stop malicious business act among members of countries to be involved in trade agreements. They are basically involved in setting international trade policies that should act as a guidance to business operation among different countries. This simply means that the foreign administrative bodies with authority to make laws can highly influence international trade in the United States. They set trade requirements, and thus, they highly influence what can be exported to certain countries whose global business operation they protect. This include the procedures to be followed to enhance international business relation, the quality standard of exports and imports in different countries.

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The international regulation cooperation is important to the US government for two main reasons. First it assists the regulatory agencies of the US attain their missions of statutory regulatory domestically. Actually, in some aspects such as drugs and food safety regulation, where the biggest portion which are US imports, participation and awareness in processes of foreign   regulatory participation might be important to guarantee the safety of the goods getting into the US market. International regulatory cooperation can also eliminate non-tariff barriers to exports and trade, enhancing U.S. competitiveness and global commerce. Furthermore, the international regulatory cooperation benefits are consistent. This implies that they can frequently be employed in unison (McCarthy, 2011).).

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Although the global regulatory cooperation demonstrated some advantages to the country, it still create some key barriers to the US international trade, both practical and legal barriers. A number of agencies in the US claim that with global regulatory cooperation, they lack the constitutional power to constitute international impacts when making governing decisions. High level leaders and agency officials demonstrates that the foreign administrative bodies gives them low priority since it limits the visibility of their success. Information sharing legal restrictions can hinder cooperation at international level. Agencies coordination in the government of the United States is a challenge, especially for regulatory agencies independency in order for agencies to center on competitiveness and trade are not permanently aware of the other federal regulators activities (McCarthy, 2011).

TTIP also play a major part in enhancing cooperation between nations. These bodies set rules that enhance the growth of International Corporation and also eliminate any form of acts that would results malicious practices. They set production standards for goods to be traded in certain international. The international trade administration empowers the U.S. industry competitiveness, promote investment and trade and guarantees fair trade via the rigorous trade agreements and laws enforcement. It operates to enhance global business settings and to assist U.S organizations contest at abroad and home market. It assist in supporting the national export and recovery agenda initiated by President Obama (Stewart, 2015).

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The rulemaking ability of the foreign administrative bodies defines a better business environment for the US in the international market. For instance the ITA in the US is structured into three different though complementary units of business. They include the unit of global market, the unit of industry and analysis, and the compliance and enforcement unit. The global market unit integrates the ITA’s regional and country experts, domestic and overseas field stand and particular programs of trade promotion to offer the US companies full particular country export suit promotion services as well as advocacy to market access, while indorsing the US as an investment destination.  The analysis and industry unit unites the ITA’s economic experts, trade and industry to advance US industry competitiveness via the execution and development of investment policies and international trade as well as promotion techniques. The analysis and industry leverage ITA’s association with services and manufacturing industries to raise U.S. exports. The compliance and enforcement unit promotes the responsibilities of ITA to enforce the trade laws in the US and guarantee compliance with negotiated trade agreements for US industry (Trade, 2015).

The foreign administrative bodies also develop rules to protect country’s local industries from facing unhealthy competition from the foreign investors and traders. This is done by developing laws such as antidumping laws that restrict the prices of imports into a country selling substitutable goods. This protect the local industries from facing competition from companies that can manage to sell their products at cheaper prices. The bodies’ administrative role give them the power to control the pricing of foreign goods (Edwards & DeHaven, 2009). This gives the United States a great advantage in different foreign markets in the world. This it does not only protect the local countries with unhealthy completion, but also the US products competition over other exporters from countries with low production cost. For instance, production of an electronic product in China would be cheaper as compared to production of a similar product in the US. In this regard, without prices regulation, exporting this product to another country the two producers would recover their production cost and profit. Thus, the product imported from US will be expensive than a product imported from China and thus this would make most consumers to prefer the China manufactured product. However the antidumping laws may force China produced product to raise their prices to prevent unhealthy competition with local companies, an aspect that benefits other exporters.


The foreign administrative bodies’ ability to make rules gives them a great ability to influence the United States global business operation. The bodies can set rules that can positively or negatively influence business operation in the United States. However, based on the above analysis, the bodies have demonstrated that their rules have highly enhanced the US global business operations. Although there are a few limitations, their ability to make global business rules have highly facilitated positive business relation between different countries.


Edwards, C., & DeHaven, T. (2009). International trade administration. The Federal Government. Retrieved from< >

McCarthy, M. (2011). International regulatory cooperation, 20 years later: Updating ACUS recommendation 91-1. Retrieved from <>

Stewart, R. B. (2015).  US administrative decision making procedures and international regulatory cooperation. Retrieved from<>

Trade. (2015). About the international trade administration. Retrieved from <>

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