Xemba Translations Case Study – It Project Management

Risk Evaluation Table (Sherif, 2006).

            Risk Description Impact Chances of Occurrence Degree of Impact Initial action to be Taken Responsible Team Members Strategies for prevention and mitigation
Geographical Risks: This is the risk imposed by the physical appearance of the land where the connection will be effected A landscape characteristic by hills and valleys may demand more towers or equipment than anticipated due to signal interference The chances of occurrence are high about 50% especially if the project will cover the entire country Irregular land will interfere with the signal coverage and increase interference grating a demand for more towers in those regions than in even land Engineers would be required to survey the entire landscape where the expansion would be needed to ensure to identify its nature before budgeting Site Engineers The project manager needs to consider the nature of the land while making calculation rather than just using the size of the area to be covered.
Infrastructure Risk: The cellular towers require power supply among other things. The company may need to employ towers in region where the electrical infrastructure had not reached This will limit the coverage area despite of the company’s plan and need to expand it. Else it will add the company the cost of laying down the electrical infrastructure. The chances of occurrence are high especially if the company is targeting rural areas the chance is about 40% This will limit the expansion the company is aspiring to do or increase its budget since it will have to lay electrical infrastructure first before developing the telecommunication infrastructure Engineers will require to survey the region and evaluate electricity infrastructure placement after which the actual tower positioning will be done Site Engineers The best way to mitigate this is by trying to focus on working with region where power can easily be accessed to minimize chances of new installation.
Complexity risk: the project may be complicated by a number of factors that include landscape, power requirements and technological requirements, and laboratory testing results Occurrence of many more aspects to be considered will interfere with the budget and scope and the time of completion The chances of occurring is high about 50% Complexity will make it hard to approximate the actual project cost and also interfere with site engineering since apart from the actual aspect that need to be considered more will have to be considered for instance a good tower location based on power availability may not be good based on the soil test results. Through field survey will be required to have general information on other infrastructures, landscape and soil test results before budgeting Site Engineers and Soil science team This can only be limited by having all information required about the area of development based on physical land appearance, level of development based on infrastructure and the laboratory results for all test before choosing the technology to use and budgeting
Environmental risks: Developing cellular network is an outdoor activity that is highly influenced by the weather changes and subjected destruction incase harsh weather condition for instance hurricanes The weather condition can influence the project completion since construction cannot continue in harsh weather condition. In addition harsh unpredictable weather crisis can result to destruction of equipment and thus interfering with the budget The chances of happening are highly determined by when the project will be carried out however the average chances for this risk is 30% The impact can be great if this takes place. In case of change of weather, the major impact will be delay in the project completion which will also influence the project budget. However in case of harsh destructive weather condition, the destruction can be very extreme adding to the cost of the project The project manager need to understand the weather pattern of the region before setting the project development period to avoid possible crisis Project manager and his team This can be minimized by scheduling the project to take place during summer or during the dry season where the project is unlikely to be interfered by rains, storms, or ice among other conditions.
Suppliers Risk: the cost and availability of the equipment required to complete the project is highly determined by the suppliers Lack of all the required equipment or getting them at increased cost after a new supply may interfere with project completion time as well as the budget The chances are minimal about 20% The impact may be high in case the suppliers are not able to provide what is needed within budget and on time. It can read to major delays or interfere with the project budget negatively Market analysis should be done before the project dates are set to establish the availability of the required materials and their cost and quality Project manager, contractors and the fund coordinator The best way to mitigate this risk is by identifying the technology to be used, the materials to be required. A thorough market survey should then be conducted and the best suppliers for all products identified. Back up suppliers should also be identified in case the first one fails

Measuring Project Performance

To measure the project performance I will use the project schedule, budget and assessment engineers report. An efficient project needs to observe time, cost and the scope. In this regard, if each process is effectively completed within the set time and within the set budget then the project performance would be rated as excellent. However, if there are delays, or overflow in the budget, they there would be an indication of something wrong in the budget. Assurance of the engineers through their weekly reports on the efficiency and quality will also play a major role in evaluating the project success (Sherif, 2006).

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The project is already going on; however, the risk analysis had to be redone. In this case there is a high likelihood that the project has not been given the right approach since the initial stages of the project are highly guided by this analysis. The meeting is there to evaluate if there are any delays that have taken place. In this regard, every participants will be required to report on their progress and this will be compared to the schedule to evaluate if there individuals out of track, experiencing unreported problem or who are behind the schedule.

The three problems that would affect the project include lack of proper risks analysis and application of mitigation techniques when implementing the project plan. Another problem is poor communication among the team members, as well as the team members and the management group. The final problem project contractors moving from one stage to another without engineers’ supervision or authorization.

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To cover come these problems, each team leader will receive a sheet of the new risk analysis report with direction on how to mitigate risk where the risks involving his or her operation will be highlighted and guidance provided on how to handle the situation. Communication structure will also be provided and the team leaders will be provided with means of communicating to the management, contractors or engineers instantly even when in the field. Good working environment will be enhanced to ensure free communication. All official communication through emails or reports will have to be replied within 12 hours failure to which a follow up will be done. The contractors will have to coordinate with engineers to enhance quality work. The engineer visitations will be included in the scope schedule to ensure that contractor knows when to expect engineers and when to wait for directives (Desmond, 2010).


Telecommunication expansion is a complex project which is faced by a number of risks which include geographic risks, infrastructure risks, complexity risks, environmental risks and suppliers’ risks. Some of these risks can be very expensive to handle since they mostly ass to the project budget. Geographical risks create signal interferences and thus demanding the employment of more repeaters than it could have been necessary. Infrastructure risk pushes the company to find ways to power towers that are located in regions where there are no electricity infrastructures and thus adding to project time and budget, complexity risk refers to other aspect that influence the project such as the soil nature which may make the company forego a better tower position based on infrastructure to a less favorable position. Being an outdoor activity, the project is also faced by environmental risk that can be caused by harsh weather, which can cause delay or even the destruction of already constructed part. Finally, suppliers’ product availability and cost variation is another possible risk. In this regard, the project management and the entire team must be very keen in their implementation process to ensure that all these risks are minimized.

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Based on the above analysis it would be recommended that the project manager address each team that is likely to be affected by the identified risk separately and provide them with measures to minimize risks. Good communication, effective supervision and a high level of collaboration among all participants will highly assist in identification of possible arising risk and also in implementation of mitigation process for currently identified risks. Project will also be required to take adequate time in the analysis stage which will serve a great deal in avoiding most of possible risks. Although the project is already in the process, an evaluation of how much attention had been given in the initial set off will be evaluated to ensure that effective measures were employed to avoid future issues. In this regard, I would consider that each team leader should provide a report of everything that has been happening, the analysis done before the set up and the initial risk analysis report so as to determine the way forward and to ascertain whether the approach given will be very effective for the effective completion of the project.

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